Tag Archives: spinoff-angel

Eliza Dushku’s Mormon Crotch Shot of the Day of the Day

Eliza Dushku had a window of opportunity, where she cashed in on being the hot girl, in teen comedies, that at the time were pretty much some variation of American Pie…and really popular, but more importantly, she was on the very nerd friendly Buffy the Vampire Slayer and it’s spinoff Angel, that if you had any socially awkward friends, or if you were socially awkward, and not in the drink yourself stupid and only hang out with hookers socially awkward, but rather the socially awkward because you’re so pumped on shit like Buffy the Vampire Slayer and it’s Spinoff Angel….you probably remember her…thanks to the tattoo you got of her on your calf…weirdo… She was a mormon, which means she’s probably sexually very wild, thanks to that oppression, so wild she dated Rick Fox (a black man)…out of wedlock…for 5 years… I am not really sure where her career went…she’s back in Boston going to school or some shit..while maintaining her fan base, because even after they throw in the towel, they always come back….acting is too fucking easy, when you’ve got a couple million in the bank, while working 9-5 at anything just fucking scuks… But while she pretends to be bettering herself at 34…to complete what she started, school…or possibly finding her religion since hollywood is soul raping…and people need saving after they are done with it…she’s letting her dog sniff and nook up in her pussy….which I guess is something you’d want to share to your fans too…subtle, SFW…MORMOM pussy shots..where that she’s probably on her period…if you still get those at 35….. The post Eliza Dushku’s Mormon Crotch Shot of the Day of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Eliza Dushku’s Mormon Crotch Shot of the Day of the Day