Tag Archives: being-the-hot

Jessica Alba Erotica of the Day

Jessica Alba pushing her tits together because she heard Kylie Jenner is a billionaire from her social media make-up line and figures that at 40, she better step the fuck up with her whoring the fuck out – because she hasn’t tried hard enough in terms of being a whore – even though she was only cast for being the hot chick, she was the low hanging fruit hot chick who put her tits out there…she was the hot chick who was never naked, who launched a brand, and who became a mom of 3-4….and now….Jessica Alba’s here bringing it…because all these people want to get as much money as possible, far more money than the next guy, because that’s how egos work. You gotta be the best….. So here’s some old lady tits, that still look good, cuz she’s got that Mexican blood in her, all that money, and doesn’t fucking rot away like white chicks do. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Jessica Alba Erotica of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Jessica Alba Erotica of the Day

Apparently You Can See Margot Robbie Nipples of the Day

I saw these pictures earlier, and didin’t see any nipple. I was like who’s that big overrated actress over there in the crazy decorative like vomit after eating too many candies, and can I see her tits – or is that just a reflection from the flash… Then I thought, well this is Margot Robbie and she is only famous for being the hot wife who is naked in Wolf of Wall Street – a role anyone could have done but this one must of done on a Weinstein Girl level to actually continue to exist…you know sell that soul..so maybe I do see tit…or is that just an optical illusion like when you stare at the black dot too long…I couldn’t figure it out, I put so much time into it, going back and forth, drawing Venn Diagrams and shit…and as it turns out there’s actually nipple hidden amonst the sequins….that sly, clever, subtle Australian trash turned Hollywood gold..she really got us good… Too bad she’s not hotter. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Apparently You Can See Margot Robbie Nipples of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Apparently You Can See Margot Robbie Nipples of the Day

Rachael Leigh Cook Abs in a Bikini of the Day

37 year old Josie and the Pussycats…..she’s all that….Baby Sitter Club….and I think that’s pretty much all she’s done until today…when she’s figured she must fight the instagram model – RACHEL COOK – who is stealing her NAME…(see pics below)… And show her bikini body and middle aged abs, because when you’re in your mid 30s and your life was being the hot girl in her early 20s, is fitness….eat that vegan, do that coke, work those abs….look better than most 37 year olds….but not quite as good as the instagram model who stole your name…but still good enough for perverts like me. The post Rachael Leigh Cook Abs in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Rachael Leigh Cook Abs in a Bikini of the Day

Lauren Cohan in her Underwear for GQ Mexico of the Day

I already posted on Lauren Cohan in this GQ Mexico shoot, because the wall hasn’t been built and American culture still trickles it’s way into their country…like they trickle into your country with the drug smugglers and toilet cleaners…at least according the Kelly Osbourne on The View…like CONDE NAST the owners of GQ are there and exploiting the locals for cheap staff and sale to people who still buy magazines… BUT THERE ARE MORE…. I said I don’t watch Walking Dead…but thanks to virgin nerds everywhere…I know all about the show – and about COHAN being the hot pussy on the show…and her being in panties in GQ MEXICO….is such a big deal…I won’t jerk off to it- but I am sure a lot of other people have… The post Lauren Cohan in her Underwear for GQ Mexico of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Lauren Cohan in her Underwear for GQ Mexico of the Day

Eiza Gonzalez See Through Tits of the Day

Eiza Gonzalez is some Mexican celebrity – who has climbed the wall, or dug a tunnel, or took a flight and never left America – where she has come to steal the white person jobs – or sugar daddies from the domestic whores – by being the hot slutty immigrant temptress that these rich guys like because they can deport them….unless she has a work visa, but that wouldn’t make sense because she’s if she was legal, she wouldn’t be trying to be subtle by not showing her nipples…you know with Trump with his presidency it’s scary for a Mexcian…you can’t be out there nipples out….you fucking crazy white people just don’t get it. To see the rest of the pics CLICK HERE The post Eiza Gonzalez See Through Tits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Eiza Gonzalez See Through Tits of the Day

Olivia Munn’s Hotness Still Exists!

I keep waiting for Olivia Munn to give up this whole classy actress act and going back to being the hot, attention-seeking wannabe we all knew and loved, but it looks like that’s not happening any time soon, and I blame you guys for encouraging her. On the bright side though, Olivia’s still just as hot in real clothes as she is in a Wonder Woman costume, so at least it makes the wait for her 15 minutes to be up a little more bearable. Enjoy. » view all 11 photos Photos: PacificCoastNews

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Olivia Munn’s Hotness Still Exists!

Eliza Dushku’s Mormon Crotch Shot of the Day of the Day

Eliza Dushku had a window of opportunity, where she cashed in on being the hot girl, in teen comedies, that at the time were pretty much some variation of American Pie…and really popular, but more importantly, she was on the very nerd friendly Buffy the Vampire Slayer and it’s spinoff Angel, that if you had any socially awkward friends, or if you were socially awkward, and not in the drink yourself stupid and only hang out with hookers socially awkward, but rather the socially awkward because you’re so pumped on shit like Buffy the Vampire Slayer and it’s Spinoff Angel….you probably remember her…thanks to the tattoo you got of her on your calf…weirdo… She was a mormon, which means she’s probably sexually very wild, thanks to that oppression, so wild she dated Rick Fox (a black man)…out of wedlock…for 5 years… I am not really sure where her career went…she’s back in Boston going to school or some shit..while maintaining her fan base, because even after they throw in the towel, they always come back….acting is too fucking easy, when you’ve got a couple million in the bank, while working 9-5 at anything just fucking scuks… But while she pretends to be bettering herself at 34…to complete what she started, school…or possibly finding her religion since hollywood is soul raping…and people need saving after they are done with it…she’s letting her dog sniff and nook up in her pussy….which I guess is something you’d want to share to your fans too…subtle, SFW…MORMOM pussy shots..where that she’s probably on her period…if you still get those at 35….. The post Eliza Dushku’s Mormon Crotch Shot of the Day of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Eliza Dushku’s Mormon Crotch Shot of the Day of the Day

Ashley Tisdale and Kayley Cuoco Nude in Allure of the DAy

I already posted SOME OF THE ALLURE NUDE PICS FROM LAST MONTH’S ISSUE and forgotten about it….but that was before seeing these photoshopped pics of Ashley Tisdale and Kayley Cuoco who are showing a little nudity, strategic nudity, but nudity none the less….Maybe it is their way of saying they are wild and crazy….maybe Tisdale figures showing some ass crack will put her in the same league as her partner who has outgrown her by growing out her pubic hair, releasing nudes and getting consistent work…Vanessa Hudgens…..and maybe Cuoco is doing it to show us what killed John Ritter…or what is actually behind her being the hot girl on a nerd show….and what it comes down to is that it doesn’t fucking matter…they are naked and here are the pics they might as well be wearing clothes in…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

Ashley Tisdale and Kayley Cuoco Nude in Allure of the DAy

Christina Aguilera’s Fat Girl Boobs

I always understood that when a relationship ends, the dude gets hammered with his buddies and the chick looses all kind of weight she put on and gets back to being the hot single chick she was when you first met her. So why the hell is Christina Aguilera getting all chubby? Here she is getting out of her limo the other night looking a little soft around the edges, like a pillow case filled with sour cream. I’m all for plumping up the old chesticles, there’s no such thing as boobs that are TOO big, but this is going a little too far…. She’s fat.

Megan Fox Trying to Stay Relevant of the Day

Look, I realize that Megan Fox is hot…or was hot…or deservered the attention she was getting when she was getting it a few years ago. I am a guy and I dig pussy that pulls off her look or the look she used to have because I think she let the pressure of being the hot pussy get to her and now she’s gone and Botoxed and got surgeries and looks more like a bottom feeding pornstar, which I guess she is…or will be now that Hollywood has decided they don’t need her in their movies and she’s decided to finally show off some fucking tit, cuz there are a lot of hot bitches out there and she doesn’t have the right to hold out on the public cuz of some kind of ego we’ve given her….so here she is showing off some tit lookin’ like Demi Moore and Dita Von Teese’s love child dressed like Angelina Jolie and Sasha Grey’s love child on Halloween, and the whole thing works for me, whether I always thought she was all hype or not… This is some Jonah Hex movie premier if you like knowing the location of the pictures you jerk off to….to everyone else, here’s Megan Fox cleavage. Pics via Bauer

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Megan Fox Trying to Stay Relevant of the Day