Tag Archives: hanging-fruit

Kelly Brooke Plus Size Erotica of the Day

Kelly Brooke isn’t hot, she’s also Old as fuck, but she is a good example of a set of huge fucking tits that distract, even lie to the general public….blinding them with tit and allowing the titty host body to get through life, with fans and audience, making money and getting work, even moving to LA to try to make it in AMerica at 35 years old, she’s in her 40s now…all while being a fat chick…from an era before fat chicks were publicly accepted….all because her tits distracted, blinded and allowed her to do all she dreamt of doing…pretty amazing the power of tits…and the fact that all these plus sized models fighting the mainstream saying they are healthy despite their premature death…clearly aren’t aware of titty models from the 90s…like Kelly Brook….right… Men don’t hate fat chicks, I mean I do, but it’s other women that hate fat chicks, we’re dudes we like all tits and pussies, even the gross ones. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Kelly Brooke Plus Size Erotica of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Kelly Brooke Plus Size Erotica of the Day

Brie Larson Average at Best for an Average bitch Trying to Be Sexy in Bathing Suits of the Day

Brie Larson is overrated scam that Hollywood decided to create….. Her looks, her acting, everything about her is totally uninspiring. She’s not exciting. She’s not some sleeper talent. She was placed into an Oscar winning performance by her team, who decided she was the one to run with. They need big payday girls to justify big budgets that get them all paid stupid money. Now she’s a comicbook hero, in the comic book movies, which are the only movies that make stupid money….movies only money grubbing pieces of shit….who don’t care about the stat of hollywood, moviemaking or any artistry….sign in for the money, to be rich as fuck, cuz that’s all these garbage people think about…that is why most out of hollywood is fucking shit. Brie Larson is overrated scam that Hollywood decided to create… She’s fucking garbage. To see the rest of the pics CLICK HERE She was at a premiere for Captian Marvel, her sell-out role…with her tits out so people notice… TO SEE THE REST OF THOSE PICS CLICK HERE The post Brie Larson Average at Best for an Average bitch Trying to Be Sexy in Bathing Suits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Brie Larson Average at Best for an Average bitch Trying to Be Sexy in Bathing Suits of the Day

Jessica Alba Erotica of the Day

Jessica Alba pushing her tits together because she heard Kylie Jenner is a billionaire from her social media make-up line and figures that at 40, she better step the fuck up with her whoring the fuck out – because she hasn’t tried hard enough in terms of being a whore – even though she was only cast for being the hot chick, she was the low hanging fruit hot chick who put her tits out there…she was the hot chick who was never naked, who launched a brand, and who became a mom of 3-4….and now….Jessica Alba’s here bringing it…because all these people want to get as much money as possible, far more money than the next guy, because that’s how egos work. You gotta be the best….. So here’s some old lady tits, that still look good, cuz she’s got that Mexican blood in her, all that money, and doesn’t fucking rot away like white chicks do. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Jessica Alba Erotica of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Jessica Alba Erotica of the Day

Bikini Girl VS Police Brutality is the Video of the Day

I don’t really know what this is all about, but as far as I’m concerned it’s amazing. It’s some low hanging fruit Rodney King shit, that’s been made current in this Black Lives Matter era of all the riots caused by cops killing innocent black people, but it’s far more fun and more up my alley because the girl being brutalized by the police, who may not even be cops, and just hired beach security on QUADS, is in a bikini and grinding up or twerking on the thing…like she’s done too much MOLLY and drank too much….cuz it’s spring break…but she’s still ready to cum… It’s great fun. The post Bikini Girl VS Police Brutality is the Video of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Bikini Girl VS Police Brutality is the Video of the Day

Ireland Baldwin Creepy and Large Photoshoot of the Day

Ireland Baldwin is the worst – and now her body matches her overall demeanor – you know an “outside reflects the inside”…unless you’re into 6 foot 3 tall bitches who weigh over 200 lbs….and I guess you probably are – because they have big tits…and can subdue you in a choke hold…PORN TO EVERYONE… Maybe she’s not that bad, I mean she was pushing the social media thing aggressively – and was on a really solid path to be what Hailey Baldwin accomplished for the family, vapid, blonde, Kardashian endorsed low hanging fruit…while this one just went dark, lesbian, dark lesbian…who ended up in Rehab….as expected when her public life started with her dad – the guy who plays Trump on SNL – calling her a worthless pig. HILARIOUS. Because he was right. She’s blocked me on all social media, so maybe I’m bitter, because I shouldn’t be so mad about a girl in the ocean showing nipples…I should be more like “DUDE NIPPLES”…but I can’t see past the hatred I have in my soul for these rich, useless, entitled monsters….even when they are big enough to break me. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Ireland Baldwin Creepy and Large Photoshoot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Ireland Baldwin Creepy and Large Photoshoot of the Day

Kaley Cuoco in Some Low Hangig Short of the Day

Kaley Cuoco’s got some low hanging shorts on…for those of us who remember when she was low hanging fruit… She’s old, so it’s safe to assume that this is the middle aged 100 millionaire version of the Ariel Winter shorts up my ass… It’s like her way of advertising that at 40 or however old and rich she is…she doesn’t have a bush, she still waxes that shit off, unlike her happily / no ones ever happy, married friends…who just let shit go – because they think it’ll keep their pervert husbands off their backs..or cunts… But what they don’t realize is that BUSH is king, or QUEEN, and that dudes think they hate it because they watch porn, were brainwashed to think it was gross, but when they see it – and smell it and rub it through their fingers like it was Santa’s Beard…they can’t control their pervert selves… As an advocator of Bush, these pics offend me…but old fit lady pubic bone is a fetish I’m sure.. The post Kaley Cuoco in Some Low Hangig Short of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Kaley Cuoco in Some Low Hangig Short of the Day