Tag Archives: rich-possible

Brie Larson Average at Best for an Average bitch Trying to Be Sexy in Bathing Suits of the Day

Brie Larson is overrated scam that Hollywood decided to create….. Her looks, her acting, everything about her is totally uninspiring. She’s not exciting. She’s not some sleeper talent. She was placed into an Oscar winning performance by her team, who decided she was the one to run with. They need big payday girls to justify big budgets that get them all paid stupid money. Now she’s a comicbook hero, in the comic book movies, which are the only movies that make stupid money….movies only money grubbing pieces of shit….who don’t care about the stat of hollywood, moviemaking or any artistry….sign in for the money, to be rich as fuck, cuz that’s all these garbage people think about…that is why most out of hollywood is fucking shit. Brie Larson is overrated scam that Hollywood decided to create… She’s fucking garbage. To see the rest of the pics CLICK HERE She was at a premiere for Captian Marvel, her sell-out role…with her tits out so people notice… TO SEE THE REST OF THOSE PICS CLICK HERE The post Brie Larson Average at Best for an Average bitch Trying to Be Sexy in Bathing Suits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Brie Larson Average at Best for an Average bitch Trying to Be Sexy in Bathing Suits of the Day

Jessica Alba Erotica of the Day

Jessica Alba pushing her tits together because she heard Kylie Jenner is a billionaire from her social media make-up line and figures that at 40, she better step the fuck up with her whoring the fuck out – because she hasn’t tried hard enough in terms of being a whore – even though she was only cast for being the hot chick, she was the low hanging fruit hot chick who put her tits out there…she was the hot chick who was never naked, who launched a brand, and who became a mom of 3-4….and now….Jessica Alba’s here bringing it…because all these people want to get as much money as possible, far more money than the next guy, because that’s how egos work. You gotta be the best….. So here’s some old lady tits, that still look good, cuz she’s got that Mexican blood in her, all that money, and doesn’t fucking rot away like white chicks do. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Jessica Alba Erotica of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Jessica Alba Erotica of the Day

Gisele Bundchen Wet for Vogue of the Day

Gisele Bundchen getting wet for Vogue Germany….because Tom Brady’s got their press agents and PR team on riding that Superbowl win hype, while perpetuating the lie that Gisele isn’t a transgender…born with a dick…who as time has gone on, the transition has made her face more feminine, because I guess more money has gone into her mission of being as woman as possible. I don’t really know why I decided Gisele was trans back at Victoria’s Secret….I just assumed it was one of those lies that got too deep or too big to manage. What was a logical casting decision by the brand in the back streets of brazil “She’ll never get her period, no risk of days off or bloat for two weeks a month, it’s a win”…..sold off to Tom Brady – a gay athlete….like all athletes…they grow up showering together, no fear of the dick…..only to be this weird power couple… I guess I just think it’s a better story than star model, meets star player, makes store family, live in huge mansions in various places…cuz they are stupid rich possible truth… Maybe her gender is like the Flat Earth movement…we’ll never know the truth. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Gisele Bundchen Wet for Vogue of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Gisele Bundchen Wet for Vogue of the Day