Tag Archives: know-the-truth

Gisele Bundchen Wet for Vogue of the Day

Gisele Bundchen getting wet for Vogue Germany….because Tom Brady’s got their press agents and PR team on riding that Superbowl win hype, while perpetuating the lie that Gisele isn’t a transgender…born with a dick…who as time has gone on, the transition has made her face more feminine, because I guess more money has gone into her mission of being as woman as possible. I don’t really know why I decided Gisele was trans back at Victoria’s Secret….I just assumed it was one of those lies that got too deep or too big to manage. What was a logical casting decision by the brand in the back streets of brazil “She’ll never get her period, no risk of days off or bloat for two weeks a month, it’s a win”…..sold off to Tom Brady – a gay athlete….like all athletes…they grow up showering together, no fear of the dick…..only to be this weird power couple… I guess I just think it’s a better story than star model, meets star player, makes store family, live in huge mansions in various places…cuz they are stupid rich possible truth… Maybe her gender is like the Flat Earth movement…we’ll never know the truth. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Gisele Bundchen Wet for Vogue of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Gisele Bundchen Wet for Vogue of the Day

Salma Hayek Beached Tits of the Day

I watched a sad video of a guy trying to save a beached Dolphin, that was struggling to stay alive, like it was working at Sea World, or really any resort in th Caribbean for fat white people lathered in sunscreen to rub up on them….and it was sad….because I love dolphins… Then I saw this Salma Hayek laying on the beach, doing the exact same thing…..and it is not sad because she’s Salma Hayek and has her massive, now old as fuck, tits, that seem to be bolted on, keeping her afloat….some built in life preserver shit…you can’t drown with these fucking things latched on…erotica for the perverts into 40 something year old actresses they probably jerked off to when jerking off to mainstream movies was a thing….before that whole porn thing took over. The post Salma Hayek Beached Tits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Salma Hayek Beached Tits of the Day

Brie Larson Erotica of the Day

Brie Larson is garbage. She is not hot and I will not buy into the fake news or media hype around her and give into their lies… I know how Hollywood works, they polarize situations, and overhype by hiring these people who pass their Hollywood test, giving them this sense of importance and celebrity…when I know the truth… Brie Larson was a b-list actress, who played a woman who was abducted and lived in a room with a kid who out-acted her, winning an Oscar, which means nothing but hype to solidify the scam the agencies are trying to pull off….and now all of a sudden I am supposed to buy into and endorse Brie Larsos as someone worth fucking for any reason other than the story, her fame, her finances….I don’t get it..and I will not give into ti… Brie Larson is not hot. I prefer the cheese she was named after. It has more place in our lives than her Hollywood nonsense, now doing Comic Book movies…such a thoughtful actor right…more like someone a team of people felt they could cash the fuck in on… JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Brie Larson Erotica of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Brie Larson Erotica of the Day

Source Says Aryn Drake-Lee Is Spreading BS About Estranged Ex Jesse Williams, “Obsessed” With Appearing Like A Victim

Aryn Drake-Lee Reportedly Spreading Lies About Ex Jesse Williams Despite being granted $50,000 a month in spousal support and multiple custodial stipulations she’s laid down, folks with insider knowledge claim that Aryn Drake-Lee is saying any and everything to make her ex Jesse Williams look like a peen-slinging playboy who abandoned his family for a random white woman the minute he got any recognition in Hollywood. In actuality, they say her crappy attitude has worn on Jesse for years — WELL before he started having his “moment” in the industry — and he works tirelessly to make sure she and the kids are happy and taken care of despite the fact that things simply can’t work between them anymore. According to an exclusive report from B. Scott , Aryn is just bitter as all hell and desperate to smear his public image, so she’s pulling all sorts of stunts and stories to get at him . “Aryn is obsessed with being seen as a victim and she can’t do that if people continue to view Jesse as the fun, caring, good person that he is. It’s hard for people to feel sorry for [her] when they find out [she hasn’t] had a job in nearly a decade, blew a marriage with a successful, generous, happy man who just built [her] a new house, loves his kids and who pays [her] over $50K a month.” They also say that Aryn has been on a warpath against her ex so hard that it’s actually turned some of their friends against her. “She’s driven most of her friends away by demanding they join her wild attacks on Jesse— 99% of them refused because they know the truth. Jesse kills himself working for his community and to provide for his family. Their real friends have seen Aryn’s toxic attitude rip away at that marriage for years. Jesse tried really hard but eventually had to save himself and make a choice not to provide a bad example of a toxic relationship for his daughter. He’s never been happier. Aryn lost. All she has left is the remaining pieces of the lie, so she makes up new ones.” Of course, with an anonymous source giving out this information it’s tough to say how factual it is — for all we know this could be one of Jesses’ people trying to clean up his public image. But you never know. You think Aryn is spending her days plotting her ex-husband’s demise? WireImage/Splash Continue reading

Dakota Fanning Nipple of the Day

Dakota Fanning has a nipple, which is good to know, because after seeing her grow up in the entertainment industry, not in a creepy way like most of her fans, who either jacked off to her early roles, or jacked off excited for her to hit 18, I was more creeped out by her whenever she did interviews…and just assumed she was a fucking robot…well ROBOTS don’t have nipples…no do they…so I guess she’s just a victim of abuse from parents that had a dream to milk the fuck out of their kid… The post Dakota Fanning Nipple of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Dakota Fanning Nipple of the Day

Kendall Jenner and Bella Hadid in Bikini of the Day

Kendall Jenner, Bella Hadid are fucking useless trash and they are in bikinis looking as uneventful as they are…because they are not that hot, they are not that important, they are hacks, they are bullshit, yet they are still getting paid, their egos fed, as they sit and compete over who is more important while knowing very well that they are equally trash…deep down in their hearts…all delusional people know the truth… I anxiously await the drug overdoses after people stop caring and they fade out to irrelevance…unless they know the scam will end soon and are just milking it hard…..hopefully I am alive to see it happen…because knowing they will die is magic. The post Kendall Jenner and Bella Hadid in Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Kendall Jenner and Bella Hadid in Bikini of the Day

Kylie Jenner: Topless for Tyga’s Birthday!

There’s something to be said for knowing what your strengths are. And, for Kylie Jenner, she seems very aware that her true strength lies not in her intelligence, not in her compassion, not in her kindness, but in her boobs . So it just makes sense that that’s what she decided to give Tyga for his 27th birthday. Yeah, in case you missed it, Tyga celebrated his birthday yesterday, November 19th, and while normally nobody would care because hey, it’s just Tyga , everyone now cares so hard because Kylie shared this photo: “Happy birthday babe” she captioned it, along with a kiss emoji, but it really doesn’t matter because who cares about words when Kylie Jenner is completely topless? Nobody, that’s who. Boobs trump … well, everything, really. Kylie was sweet enough to share one more topless pic, this one captioned “Irreplaceable”: It’s unclear if she meant that Tyga was irreplaceable or if she was giving a shout-out to that killer body of hers. Either way, we know what the truth is. Kylie has been all about showing off the goods lately: just yesterday, we talked about that nipple-tastic photo shoot she did to promote her Kylie Cosmetics pop-up shop. And then last week, she posed nude — well, nude except for a whole bunch of blue paint. We imagine it was her way of soothing us after the disastrous election results, but we’ll probably never know the truth. Anyway, as if those topless photos weren’t enough of a birthday gift, Kyga went on over to Las Vegas to celebrate this special occasion, and she shared another photo of that, one she captioned “Birthday behavior”: Isn’t it sweet how Kylie is trying to show physical affection to Kylie while still trying to contort her body to get the best angles? It’s like she’s saying “I love you, Tyga, but I love my ass and my Instagram presence more.” So sweet. We’re not sure exactly what Kylie and Tyga got up to in Vegas, but it feels safe to say that Tyga had some drinks while 19-year-old Kylie just sat around and ate a pomegranate or something. Oh, wait, that really happened? Bless these people. Bless them so much. View Slideshow: Kylie Jenner: Her 31 Raciest, Sexiest Photos of All Time

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Kylie Jenner: Topless for Tyga’s Birthday!

Annasophia Robb Fitness of the Day

Annasophia Robb may not be an actress you’re familiar with, but here she is being your fitness inspiration because her body is so tight, and we like tight bodies as much as we like tight pussy, even though no pussy is tight to me, thanks to micro penis buried in obesity… THat said, Annasophia Robb, is part of some of the greatest moments in cinematic history, for her part in Soul Surfer…the story of a Jesus loving surfer who had her arm eaten by a shark because GOD… Or as I like to think, because science… But that she’d like to think was some higher purpose bullshit to challenge her to be a better person…by only having one arm to handjob with… Whatever works…. While fit girls…work for me…but not actually…because I can’t afford a staff.. The post Annasophia Robb Fitness of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Annasophia Robb Fitness of the Day

Shay Mitchell’s Instagram of the Day

Shay Mitchell is some Canadian..who I’ve heard is some entitled, rich kid, brat who thinks she’s a bigger deal than she is, and that was before she was famous…meaning this stamp of approval from the media, her instagram followers, all thanks to being on some hit show…just feeds into that making her think “see I told you so”…in what makes her a more terrible fucking person…than she started out being… But the good news is that she’s using her celebrity and audience to try to maximize sex appeal..by posing slutty. Or maybe this is just posing and I think it’s slutty because I objectify women and when they leave their houses I see “slut”…because I know the truth… I like that. The post Shay Mitchell’s Instagram of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Shay Mitchell’s Instagram of the Day

Shay Mitchell’s Instagram of the Day

Shay Mitchell is some Canadian..who I’ve heard is some entitled, rich kid, brat who thinks she’s a bigger deal than she is, and that was before she was famous…meaning this stamp of approval from the media, her instagram followers, all thanks to being on some hit show…just feeds into that making her think “see I told you so”…in what makes her a more terrible fucking person…than she started out being… But the good news is that she’s using her celebrity and audience to try to maximize sex appeal..by posing slutty. Or maybe this is just posing and I think it’s slutty because I objectify women and when they leave their houses I see “slut”…because I know the truth… I like that. The post Shay Mitchell’s Instagram of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Excerpt from:
Shay Mitchell’s Instagram of the Day