Tag Archives: hidden-amonst

Apparently You Can See Margot Robbie Nipples of the Day

I saw these pictures earlier, and didin’t see any nipple. I was like who’s that big overrated actress over there in the crazy decorative like vomit after eating too many candies, and can I see her tits – or is that just a reflection from the flash… Then I thought, well this is Margot Robbie and she is only famous for being the hot wife who is naked in Wolf of Wall Street – a role anyone could have done but this one must of done on a Weinstein Girl level to actually continue to exist…you know sell that soul..so maybe I do see tit…or is that just an optical illusion like when you stare at the black dot too long…I couldn’t figure it out, I put so much time into it, going back and forth, drawing Venn Diagrams and shit…and as it turns out there’s actually nipple hidden amonst the sequins….that sly, clever, subtle Australian trash turned Hollywood gold..she really got us good… Too bad she’s not hotter. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Apparently You Can See Margot Robbie Nipples of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Apparently You Can See Margot Robbie Nipples of the Day