Tag Archives: sport-straight

Arianny Celeste Behind the Scenes of the Day

Arianny Celeste is leaking some behind the scenes of her calendar shoot cuz she’s struggling to stay relevant. I mean there is only so long that a girl can be the den mother of the UFC before the younger hotter ones take over the reins from her. She’s 27 according to her Wikipedia, which means she’s probably 45, and her tits 27. She’s a stripper or show girl, and she’s been doing this since 2006…we call it her lottery ticket… I mean maybe she should be looking at that calendar she’s gonna be half naked in and say to herself “It’s time, I’m old as fuck, I shouldn’t be doing this, but people like me, cuz I make an otherwise gay sport straight, and my body is pretty fucking fit, and I’m short and have no talent, there’s nothing else out there for me to do, so ride this til it crashes and fucking burns, until it’s comedic, cuz it’s all I fucking have… How did you like my Arianny Celeste impression? Pretty good right.

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Arianny Celeste Behind the Scenes of the Day