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Ghostface Killah Threatens Action Bronson: I’ll Make You Disappear!

Feuds are a regular part of many hip hop careers, but most of the time it's easy to see the beef coming. Biggie and Tupac got caught up in the whole East Coast vs. West Coast ugliness. Iggy Azalea and Azealia Banks fought over the rights to their remarkably similar names. The latest intense spat – this one between Action Bronson and Chostface Killah –  is a little more unexpected, however, as Bronson has repeatedly called Ghost one of his favorite rappers. The similarity in the emcees voices and song stylings has been pointed out by several critics, and Bronson addressed the comparison while appearing on Sportsnation today, saying it was an honor to be likened to “one of the greats.” Unfortunately, he then added, “He's not rapping like this no more.” That's when Ghost took to YouTube to express his displeasure: “You're gonna have to learn to watch what you say,” says Ghosty. “I guess you've never been taught that, because you not a real n–ga.” And from there he's off, referring to the portly Bronson as a “fat f–k,” threatening to set his beard on fire, and making frighteningly specific threats that could have the Wu-Tang legend facing criminal charges. “Doing 25 years over rap music…it don't really sound too good, right? But I got shooters that'll do that. And those shooters are not from New York. “You done made a mistake, boy. You done f–ked up. I've been a lot of places, seen a lot of places. I got those type of n–gas that do disappearing acts in all 50 states. Needless, to say, Ghost is less than pleased with the young up-and-comer, and Bronson handled the situation in the best way possible – by issuing a public apology: “When ur wrong ur wrong and I was wrong,” Bronson tweeted earlier today. “I apologize for the comments.” Something tells us that might not be enough for Mr. Killah.

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Ghostface Killah Threatens Action Bronson: I’ll Make You Disappear!