Good news for you creeps who only like your child stars to stay child stars. You know, the kind of sick fuck who wishes they die by 18 so that your fantasies of what they are are never tainted by what they actually are….kinda like any pedo who was down with Haley Joel Osment back in the Sixth Sense, who tries to fuck with that now that he looks like a freakshow, only the girl version…. Here’s Alexa Vega, the bitch from Spy Kids, who I can assume was annoying as fuck, is playing dead….so you can pretend, and even if you’re not into dead child stars, but just into dead girls in general because all you have to do is throw them in a warm bath to loosen’ em up, rather than feeding them booze like you have to do with live girls, and more importantly can’t say no… To those of us who don’t like dead bitches…even if they are easy…we can benefit from this pic by staring down her child star shirt at her child star implants… Something for everyone…
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Alexa Vega is Playing Dead of the Day