I am posting these pictures for guys who can’t get enough of their chick on a lazy, unshowered Sunday afternoon after pigging out on donuts while watching some bullshit movie, cuz it’s the day they like doing nothing…You know that jelly on her chin, stained slob pants that make her ass look huge, and her greasy hair that makes her smell like park just gets you fired up and ready to fuck since it’s better than hiding in the bathroom jerking off…..and I am posting these pictures for the guys who wish they had a girl to do that with but instead are destined to a long lonely life of social awkwardness….because there is nothing hot about this and even the weirdest Jennifer Love Hewitt obsessed fan who thinks she can do no wrong would be disappointed…cuz no one likes a fat slobby bitch…ever. This is not acceptable.
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Jennifer Love Hewitt Fat Lazy Chick on her Period Pants of the Day