Tag Archives: stardom-or-low

Melanie Iglesias Does Halloween Bullshit of the Day

I wrote about Melanie Iglesias, a Hometown Hottie for Maxim, the dying publisher for frat boys and jocks who once featured me and who once paid me for traffic years ago even though I hate them…..yesterday…. Well it turns out she’s a way bigger deal than I thought. she’s got a huge fan bases and releases her own videos, rock’s twitter and youtube for a lot of fucking people, and she’s using her stardom or low level of stardom to leverage into something bigger, by making clever videos of her in every fetish costume you can think of in this flipbook for the intenet that you may masturbate to even though she’s not all that bomb….but good enough cuz she’s half naked…. She’s likely not related to Julio and Enrique, cuz if she was she wouldn’t be bottom feeting like this, so thank god not all spics are the same….. So here she is in many costumes…

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Melanie Iglesias Does Halloween Bullshit of the Day