Tag Archives: started-poking

Threats follow cuddles in budding Justin Bieber-Selena Gomez romance – Reuters (blog)

MTV.com Threats follow cuddles in budding Justin Bieber-Selena Gomez romance Reuters (blog) They said they were just friends and laughed off the photos a few weeks ago that suggested there might be a teen romance budding. But Justin Bieber broke the hearts of millions of his young fans when photos surfaced on Monday of the 16 year-old singer … MULTIPLE CHOICE: Do Justin Bieber And Selena Gomez Make A Good Couple? MTV.com TMZ Live: Selena Under Siege & MJ’s Dead TV Autopsy TMZ.com Bikini-Clad Selena Gomez Kisses Justin Bieber Us Magazine People Magazine

Gallery: Best Of Selena Gomez/Justin Bieber Hate Tweets

It’s official: Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber are make out buddies. And now that there is physical evidence, Justin Bieber fans are none too pleased. Beliebers are not so much into sharing their beloved Bieber, as celebrities like Kim Kardashian know. And while we warned the internets in early December that this relationship could be a reality , the photographic evidence is inciting rage on Twitter. Selena got her share of death threats, but when we started poking around today, we learned that the Twitter backgrounds of these fans were almost as good as their messages. A collection of some of the best follows. (Don’t worry. We saved the best for last.) BiebsLoveMe, wrote on Twitter, “@selenagomez crazy how you’d do that stuff to your ‘little brother.’ ” Selena Gomez Kisses Justin Bieber, Enrages 14 Year Olds Everywhere Post from: Crushable Gallery: Best Of Selena Gomez/Justin Bieber Hate Tweets

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Gallery: Best Of Selena Gomez/Justin Bieber Hate Tweets

You just have to take a moment to read this Phil Perrier piece on Palin from the Huffington Post. This is laugh out loud funny!

And lets face it, Sarah Palin is a gossip columnist’s dream. At first blush she came across as a Christian “family values” no-nonsense conservative. Then, the press started poking around and found delightful amounts of nonsense in Sarah’s closets. What ensued was the veritable Jerry Springer episode that is the Palin family; Bristol, the 17 year old pregnant daughter, Levi, the dimwitted yet hunky father of the Love Spawn, Trig, the baby with Down’s Syndrome, and Sarah’s husband, a man who has displayed less personality than a bowl of moose stew. And it got better, Levi posed for Playgirl magazine, his mom got arrested for selling prescription meds, while Sarah and Bristol and Levi tossed verbal grenades through the press at every turn. Forget running for president, this smells like a damn compelling reality show on Bravo! The Kardashians look like Ozzie and Harriet compared to the Palins. It’s perfect, a horribly dysfunctional, morally bankrupt, greedy, fame-obsessed, Christian conservative family, with guns! Sign me up! (You can read the rest of this wonderful post by clicking the title at the top of the page.) The only problem with Sarah Palin’s reality show is that it is happening in MY reality. Here is perhaps my favorite line from the post. This woman has a persecution complex you could drive a truck through. Amen to that, Mr. Perrier, Amen to that!

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You just have to take a moment to read this Phil Perrier piece on Palin from the Huffington Post. This is laugh out loud funny!