Tag Archives: state-division

Joslyn James: Wanted For Back Child Support Payments!

Former Tiger Woods mistress and pornographic star Joslyn James has been a bad, bad girl … and not in a hot way. She’s way behind on child support payments. In fact, Double-J with the Double Ds is on a government “Most Wanted” list for bailing on nearly $20,000 in payments she’s supposed to cough up for her son. Joslyn James (real name Veronica T. Siwik) has a 14-year-old son, and since she was the breadwinner at the time, was ordered to pay support to the dad. Instead, she screwed him … and again, not in the hot way she screwed Tiges. According to the Washington State Division of Child Support, she owes $18,419.86, good enough to break the Top 100 of the state’s 370,000+ child support cases. A spokesman for DCS tells TMZ that the Top 100 are “the worst of the worst” and “making no effort … if you’re currently making any payments, you’re not on the list.” Joslyn James’ rep (yes, she has a rep) calls the state’s child support claims against her “unfounded” and adds that “she loves her child” and is “a doting mother.” Sure thing. Man, who knew she was an even dirtier human being than these infamous Tiger Woods text messages would have led us to believe back in the day. That’s dirty, too. They were into some kinky stuff. Sorry, Elin Nordegren .

Original post:
Joslyn James: Wanted For Back Child Support Payments!