Maggie Q, the star of the CW’ s breakout action-drama Nikita , knows what she wants, and she’s happy to announce that she gets it. The 31-year-old martial arts cinema vet moved from Honololu, learned her craft from Jackie Chan, became a star in Hong Kong, and co-starred in various TV shows, miniseries, and films before hitting stateside fame with Mission: Impossible III , Deception , and Balls of Fury . Now, with 14 years of fight choreography under her belt, the Nikita topliner is torqued for the future of her series — especially because she has a specific vision of what the show should look, sound, and move like. It’s a vision she reiterates frequently.
See the original post here:
Nikita’s Maggie Q Doesn’t ‘Give a Sh*t’ About La Femme Nikita