Tag Archives: still-advertise

Emily Ratajkowski Body Painted for Sports Illustrated Swimsuit of the Day

Emily Ratajkowski was one of the Sports Illustrated Rookies, which I am sure is a big deal to her considering she was just a video vixen who had sex with Kanye West this time last year… You know the aspiring model and actress who was getting naked for every and any interesting enough photographer… Who when I started posting on her had under 10,000 followers on instagram…and twitter…before blowing the fuck up…and becoming this huge phenomenon…. I guess I am a bit of a purist, and I prefer Emily Ratajkowski posing in fashion nudes, than in Sports Illustrated body painted nudes, because Body Paining is tacky as fuck reserved for Tattoo conventions for losers…and not nude models…it’s like she might as well be wearing a snow suit since her vagina and nipples are covered… But I guess, we can always go through the archives of her young career to see the real good… I don’t understand the hype with body painting…it’s pretty dated…but I guess speaks to the Sports Illustrated reader.. I do get the hype with Emily Ratajkowski…she’s masterminded the celebrity system…and did it with an awesome set of tits. TO SEE THE REST OF THE SWIMSUIT ISSUE CLICK HERE

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Emily Ratajkowski Body Painted for Sports Illustrated Swimsuit of the Day

Kate Upton in Space of the Day

Kate Upton is Sports Illustrated prized pig from the county fair that is their business…she’s the golden egg…that makes them serious money…because average American Dudes, who read or at least buy the magazine, love her…. Sports Illustrated made her famous, and they’ve made her their cover girl year after year, and even this year, to avoid causing too much controversy using her again, even though they really wanted to…they gave her the “alternate cover”…or the “back cover”…because they know in terms of their magazine, she is the only thing that really matters. I don’t need to sit here and hate on a company that has for the last 50 years found girls to pose in their bikinis, a lot of them top models, for free. I don’t need to celebrate what they do either, or be inspired by it, or even think their choices in girls are amazing. I don’t need to talk about Kate Upton’s weird sloppy body and tits and how she’s a product of serious doctoring to look semi appealing, so much that she’s practically an artist rendition of herself… But I can’t help but laugh that they had to take her to zero gravity so that her tits don’t sag… It’s like these Sports Illustrated people are pulling all the tricks they can to keep on using her despite her over-eating…and they have got resourceful or desperate enough to turn to space travel technology to make her look good… I don’t hate, it’s a waste of energy…but I still find it funny.. TO SEE THE REST OF THE SWIMSUIT ISSUE CLICK HERE

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Kate Upton in Space of the Day

Anastasia Ashley and the Rest of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit of the Day

It’s no secret that the hottest thing in women’s sports right now is Anastasia Ashley or at least her bikini clad surfer ass… So it is no shock to anyone, or at least me, who as far as I’m concerned is everyone, since none of you exists, that her amazing bikini clad ass was featured in Sports Illustrated… I guess Sports Illustrated figured we’ve already seen her in a bikini 1000 times before, why not show off her fit as fuck body…by showing us her NIPPLES…I like their logic…because I like nipples… It’s like Sports Illustrated was some kind of soft core porn mag…yet people still advertise with them… Point of the story is that Anastasia has never looked better, except when she wakes up after a night of drinking, and is, as far as I’m concerned, the show stopper of the entire issue… I am surprised she hasn’t been in every one of their issues before, since she’s be surfing professionally for years, and I hope this gets her recognized by the masses so that she can continue to produce more show stopping surfing and more importantly more show stopping bikini pics… There are few people in the world who I can say I love. She’s one of them….Good job. Let’s cuddles. FINAL LIMONADA. TO SEE THE REST OF HER PICS CLICK HERE

Anastasia Ashley and the Rest of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit of the Day