Tag Archives: still-gutter

Anja Rubik Topless in Purple of the Day

TITTIES FOR FASHION!!! It always amazes me that top models think they are above pornstars and frown down on them from their life of luxury….they think the fact that they are 6 foot tall and skinny as fuck leading to a better life than getting fucked on camera…is just so much more exclusive…but the reality…is they are the same fucking thing, with the same fucking morals and values….only models get high and fuck at parties….and save their in front of the camera shit to “tasteful” nudity….that guess what…is still fucking nudity…now I’m totally into all girls getting naked for money…I just don’t like snob attitude that comes with running in celebrity circles sponsored by Mercedes… you can paint a trailer park home gold but it’s still gutter shit…. Either way, Anja Rubik is lovely.

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Anja Rubik Topless in Purple of the Day