Tag Archives: always-amazes

Mom of the Day

I posted this on Facebook, because parenting is hard, and it was my way of saying “mom’s if you can’t handle it, and need to medicate with street drugs like heroin, I will totally help lift some of your mom burdens, by giving you 15 dollars for anal”… It always amazes me that white trash, you know the gutter people, who are the worst possible creatures to grace our earth, have the ability to breed, because abortions and birth control are too expensive, and sometimes get in the way of shooting up, so that having the kid is just the lazy choice…because when you see this, you know it’s not ending in a good place for the girl, who despite her mother seems very sweet…sad state of affairs…

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Mom of the Day

Mila K is the Babe of the Night

Her name is MILA from X-ART and I am going to assume she’s from Eastern Europe, because I typecast like that, but I think we can all agree that wherever she is from, it must be a lot like heaven, because she’s pretty fucking perfect…I blame her dark hair, blue eyes and being naked as fuck.. It always amazes me when nude models don’t look like broken girls, but rather, like perfection…it’s like this can’t be right, even though it is so right… Amazing.. TO SEE MORE OF MILA GETTING WAY MORE HARDCORE CLICK HERE

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Mila K is the Babe of the Night

Anja Rubik Topless in Purple of the Day

TITTIES FOR FASHION!!! It always amazes me that top models think they are above pornstars and frown down on them from their life of luxury….they think the fact that they are 6 foot tall and skinny as fuck leading to a better life than getting fucked on camera…is just so much more exclusive…but the reality…is they are the same fucking thing, with the same fucking morals and values….only models get high and fuck at parties….and save their in front of the camera shit to “tasteful” nudity….that guess what…is still fucking nudity…now I’m totally into all girls getting naked for money…I just don’t like snob attitude that comes with running in celebrity circles sponsored by Mercedes… you can paint a trailer park home gold but it’s still gutter shit…. Either way, Anja Rubik is lovely.

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Anja Rubik Topless in Purple of the Day

Anja Rubik Topless in Purple of the Day

TITTIES FOR FASHION!!! It always amazes me that top models think they are above pornstars and frown down on them from their life of luxury….they think the fact that they are 6 foot tall and skinny as fuck leading to a better life than getting fucked on camera…is just so much more exclusive…but the reality…is they are the same fucking thing, with the same fucking morals and values….only models get high and fuck at parties….and save their in front of the camera shit to “tasteful” nudity….that guess what…is still fucking nudity…now I’m totally into all girls getting naked for money…I just don’t like snob attitude that comes with running in celebrity circles sponsored by Mercedes… you can paint a trailer park home gold but it’s still gutter shit…. Either way, Anja Rubik is lovely.

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Anja Rubik Topless in Purple of the Day

Coco’s Fat Ass Defies Gravity of the Day

For some reason…..I knew these pics were coming…maybe I was on Coco’s twitter….or maybe I read it somewhere… you know since she’s the new fat ass Kardashian with a reality show….and it doesn’t matter where she mentioned something about sky yoga where she hang from the ceiling….it just matters that she posted the pics…. This is workout is a weird hippie trend in Hollywood…and even Belladonna famous for being the dirtiest bitch in porn showed off her new skill of sky dancer…..at the AVNs while I thought to myself that this is some gay shit that is far more interesting when she is being the dirtiest bitch in porn…. But I guess seeing Coco’s ass defy gravity in some retarded sport is amazing…but then again….It always amazes me when fat ass chicks are athletic…it seems so unnatural….like everything else about Coco.

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Coco’s Fat Ass Defies Gravity of the Day

Katerhine Heigl is Massive of the Day

It always amazes me when I hear people say shit like “Katherine Heigl is so Hot”…I know, shocking, but it has happened and it throws me off, mainly because she’s a fucking monster…the kind of pussy you’d expect to start a Tsunami when cum farting a load out of her ass in the bath…so I decided to post these pictures of her man-handling some dude – to prove my fucking point that she’s a monster…always appropriate to post the closest thing to Godzilla in Hollywood…you know always tying bullshit disasters to natural disasters…it’s my thing.

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Katerhine Heigl is Massive of the Day

Katerhine Heigl is Massive of the Day

It always amazes me when I hear people say shit like “Katherine Heigl is so Hot”…I know, shocking, but it has happened and it throws me off, mainly because she’s a fucking monster…the kind of pussy you’d expect to start a Tsunami when cum farting a load out of her ass in the bath…so I decided to post these pictures of her man-handling some dude – to prove my fucking point that she’s a monster…always appropriate to post the closest thing to Godzilla in Hollywood…you know always tying bullshit disasters to natural disasters…it’s my thing.

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Katerhine Heigl is Massive of the Day

Olivia Wilde Showing Some Tit of the Day

Tits. It always amazes me when I see pictures of this bitch and read that she’s 26. She looks like she’s pushin’ 40, which isn’t always a good thing, especially when you turn 40. Not to mention her stage name is ridiculous. Anyone who changes their name for a writer, especially one as Cliche as Oscar Wilde, is trying way to hard to be artsy fartsy, obscure and intellectual…It’s so obvious…unlike the reason she looks 40 at 26, maybe it’s a mystery her 60 Minutes reporter mother Leslie Cockburn (naughty) could do a segment on….

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Olivia Wilde Showing Some Tit of the Day

Kate Beckinsale Bikini Pictures of the Day

I like Kate Beckinsale. I’m not one of those weird virgin losers who has 15 copies of Underworld strategically hidden around the house in the event the aliens take over the world…I just think she looks good. It always amazes me that this woman is a mom….not a teen mom, or a young mom who made a bad decision at a young age in hopes to keep her boyfriend at the time, but a real life mom, she’s 37 years old…and that’s just crazy to me…maybe because I am used to people from the UK looking like they crawled out of a Chimney they were caught in for 50 years, in some industrial age sweatshop hustle…or maybe it’s an optical illusion cuz she’s wearing her daughter’s skirt bikini….making us think she can’t be a day over 10….but it really doesn’t matter….she’s in a bikini and you should be looking at it. For More Pictures – Follow This Link GO

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Kate Beckinsale Bikini Pictures of the Day

Kim Kardashian Dressed Like a Fat Exotic Animal for her Birthday of the Day

The BIG news today is that Kim Kardashian is squeezed her fat ass into a tight dress for her birthday that is pretty much advertising hat she’s no longer a spring chicken and is just one year away from 30, not that anyone could think of her as a spring chicken, since we are all tainted by the screenshots her getting fucked by some black dude in video…..and when a girl fucks a black dude in video, you know she’s been thru a whole lot of other dudes first. This wasn’t a losing my viriginity lets document the shit for future references and memories so I can show my kid, it was the type of situation where she let a motherfucker piss on her and I don’t know about you, but most girls need to be pretty well practiced in the pussy to let a motherfucker piss on them and the sex tape was more a “let’s generate some buzz, make some money, follow Paris’ lead and do all that shit because I have no shame and I am a whore” and everyone knows pornstars start out sluts before doing porn… Either way, she’s a fat slob of a woman with a dirty cunt who is too old to jerk off to but some of you like her, so here are the pics. Pics via Bauer and via Fame

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Kim Kardashian Dressed Like a Fat Exotic Animal for her Birthday of the Day