Tag Archives: some-industrial

Adrianne Curry Naked Sushi for Attention of the Day

The darkest day in my TWITTER History was the day Adrianne Curry told me off for being a disgusting person…I don’t fully remember what she said about me before blocking me, but I do know that it was said between her crying for attention by posting controversial, exhibitionist style pictures hoping someone will notice her useless reality star married to a Brady for attention…and now she’s posting pictures of her doing naked sushi…something I’d be more into if the rankest fish at the table wasn’t her bottom feeding pussy…..and you gotta understand that I love all dirty, bottom feeding pussy, especially when it knows I exist….so I really despise this shit….

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Adrianne Curry Naked Sushi for Attention of the Day

Kate Beckinsale Bikini Pictures of the Day

I like Kate Beckinsale. I’m not one of those weird virgin losers who has 15 copies of Underworld strategically hidden around the house in the event the aliens take over the world…I just think she looks good. It always amazes me that this woman is a mom….not a teen mom, or a young mom who made a bad decision at a young age in hopes to keep her boyfriend at the time, but a real life mom, she’s 37 years old…and that’s just crazy to me…maybe because I am used to people from the UK looking like they crawled out of a Chimney they were caught in for 50 years, in some industrial age sweatshop hustle…or maybe it’s an optical illusion cuz she’s wearing her daughter’s skirt bikini….making us think she can’t be a day over 10….but it really doesn’t matter….she’s in a bikini and you should be looking at it. For More Pictures – Follow This Link GO

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Kate Beckinsale Bikini Pictures of the Day