Tag Archives: too-expensive

Mom of the Day

I posted this on Facebook, because parenting is hard, and it was my way of saying “mom’s if you can’t handle it, and need to medicate with street drugs like heroin, I will totally help lift some of your mom burdens, by giving you 15 dollars for anal”… It always amazes me that white trash, you know the gutter people, who are the worst possible creatures to grace our earth, have the ability to breed, because abortions and birth control are too expensive, and sometimes get in the way of shooting up, so that having the kid is just the lazy choice…because when you see this, you know it’s not ending in a good place for the girl, who despite her mother seems very sweet…sad state of affairs…

Read more here:
Mom of the Day

Douchebag In Training

Proof The Baby Gap wants to turn your kid into a douche. You probably don't believe me, but this is common knowledge to most . View

Hot Women and House Music at Sea

Is the Miami Winter Music Conference too expensive in the current economy?  Well your friends at Coed Magazine are here to let you in on a little known,… Continue reading

Be a good parent

If you’re pregnant, you should start and IV of soda pop to give your little embryo a good start! Formula is too expensive anyway, fill that bottle with delicious Coke or Pepsi and make sure your child is fitting in. Don’t you want your kid to be happy and have friends and a bubbly personality?

See the article here:
Be a good parent