Tag Archives: robert-gibbs

El Calor!!: Sofia Vergara In New “Machete Part 2″ Movie [Video]

Sofia Vergara straps on a diamond choker and a strapless leather bustier for the upcoming shoot-’em-up sequel Machete Kills, and we have the first footage from the film captured on video by none other than Sofia’s teen son, Manolo! Video: ‘Machete’ Costars Recall Working with Lindsay Lohan . 5min

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El Calor!!: Sofia Vergara In New “Machete Part 2″ Movie [Video]

President Obama Vs Romney Adviser On Air Debate Gets Heated! [Video]


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President Obama Vs Romney Adviser On Air Debate Gets Heated! [Video]

Health Care Showdown–Obama To Ignore Judge, House to Begin De-funding Obamacare


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It looks as if a showdown on Obamcare is coming sooner rather than later. Yesterday, outgoing Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said that the government would be going ahead with implementing Obamacare despite the Florida Judge’s expectation that implementation would stop based on his ruling. Today it was announced that the House would start its work on de-funding of Obamacare next week. In his ruling last… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : YID With LID Discovery Date : 09/02/2011 00:36 Number of articles : 2

Health Care Showdown–Obama To Ignore Judge, House to Begin De-funding Obamacare

The Nation: Ron Paul’s Fight For Transparency

The Obama administration condemns WikiLeaks in the most extreme terms, with White House spokesman Robert Gibbs referring to the people involved in the leaking and distribution of diplomatic cables as “criminals,” and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton describing the latest WikiLeaks revelations as an ” attack on America's foreign policy interests.” Attorney General Eric Holder talks of using the Espionage Act and other tools to go after WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. Democrats in Congress echo the criticisms — with Senate Foreign Relations Committee chair John Kerry ripping Assange for having done “real damage” to U.S. interests — or simply remain silent. Some are openly working with neoconservative Republicans to come up with new laws to restrict the flow of information about U.S. foreign policy, Is anyone in official Washington standing up for transparency? Is anyone saying that we should be more concerned about the revelations of wrongdoing than killing the messenger? Yes, if you count Texas Congressman Ron Paul as a resident of official Washington. The Texas Republican who has long been the sternest critic in Congress of the imperial ambitions of presidents of both parties, rejects the notion that WikiLeaks is the problem. “Rather than worry about the disclosure of embarrassing secrets we should focus on our delusional foreign policy,” argues Paul, who has run for the presidency as both the Libetarian nominee and a Republican primary candidate. “We are kidding ourselves when we believe spying, intrigue and outright military intervention can maintain our international status as a superpower while our domestic economy crumbles in an orgy of debt and monetary debasement.” Continued at: http://www.npr.org/2010/12/13/132021734/the-nation-ron-paul-s-stand-for-transpar… added by: Dagum

Democrats Attack WikiLeaks or Remain Silent, but Republican Ron Paul Says: ‘State Secrecy is Anathema to a Free Society’

The Obama administration condemns WikiLeaks in the most extreme terms, with White House spokesman Robert Gibbs referring to the people involved in the leaking and distribution of diplomatic cables as “criminals,” and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton describing the latest WikiLeaks revelations as an ” attack on America's foreign policy interests.” Attorney General Eric Holder talks of using the Espionage Act and other tools to go after WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. Democrats in Congress echo the criticisms—with Senate Foreign Relations Committee chair John Kerry ripping Assange for having done “real damage” to US interests—or simply remain silent. Some are openly working with neoconservative Republicans to come up with new laws to restrict the flow of information about US foreign policy, Is anyone in official Washington standing up for transparency? Is anyone saying that we should be more concerned about the revelations of wrongdoing than killing the messenger? Yes, if you count Texas Congressman Ron Paul as a resident of official Washington. The Texas Republican who has long been the sternest critic in Congress of the imperial ambitions of presidents of both parties, rejects the notion that WikiLeaks is the problem. Full Story: http://www.thenation.com/blog/156870/democrats-attack-wikileaks-or-remain-silent… added by: Radical_Centrist

Inappropriate Photoshop: Lady Gaga Stoops

Lady Gaga “stoops” in to Super Frat! added by: TonyDiGerolamo

Sarah Palin: "It’s Time to Take Our Country Back"

The Iowa Republican Party freely admitted that this year's Reagan Day Dinner would not have been quite the same without Sarah Palin. “We anticipate that it will be the largest and best attended Reagan Dinner that the party has had in recent years,” state Republican chairman Matt Strawn said in an interview. As it was, 50 news organizations and some 1,000 dinner guests came to the auditorium in downtown Des Moines to hear from the woman who is more than the belle of the Republican ball these days. “She is a formidable force and may be the most formidable force in the Republican Party,” White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said on Friday. Of course, the Democrats may have a vested interest in promoting the former Alaska governor whose poll numbers have been declining this summer and whose electability, at this point, is an open question. Former Obama campaign manager David Plouffe scoffed the other day that Palin is the best organizer and fundraiser the Democrats in Iowa could have. But Democrats have belittled opponents in the past who turned their grins into frowns on election day. Ronald Reagan comes quickly to mind as an “un-electable” former actor who nonetheless ousted a sitting president in the first of two landslide elections. Palin was greeted warmly by the Republicans here. And she said what they wanted to hear. “We don't need to fundamentally transform America,” said said. “We need to restore America.” added by: TimALoftis

Howard Kurtz, White House Mouthpiece? Article Rains ‘Fact’ Fire on Forbes

On Friday, Washington Post media reporter Howard Kurtz wrote a “White House rips Forbes” article . Dinesh D’Souza has drawn a “torrent of criticism” for writing that President Obama is motivated by his African father’s “anti-colonial” views, Kurtz wrote, but emphasized how the White House is training its fire on Forbes magazine for publishing it, suggesting it’s un-factual. Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs asserted “It’s a stunning thing, to see a publication you would see in a dentist’s office, so lacking in truth and fact.” (Has he read Newsweek?) This isn’t about “facts,” it’s about spins. D’Souza can be accused of putting the president on a psychoanalyst’s couch about his father. (As if the media never did this for George W. Bush.) D’Souza shot back to Kurtz that it’s simply a fact that the president had a Kenyan father. But Kurtz went into Gibbs-echoing rebuttal mode:  The facts are also these: Obama Sr. abandoned the family when his son was 2, and the future president saw his father only one more time, during a visit in Hawaii when he was 10. Obama Sr. died in 1982. Gibbs says the Forbes attack comes at a time when there is “no limit to innuendo” against the president, including baseless charges that he is a Muslim and was not born in the United States. Forbes, he says, “left the facts on the cutting-room floor.” D’Souza acknowledges one error. He wrote that Obama “is a man who spent his formative years — the first 17 years of his life — off the American mainland, in Hawaii, Indonesia and Pakistan, with multiple subsequent journeys to Africa.” Obama visited Pakistan once, as a college student, when he was older than 17. (Hawaii, of course, may be off the American mainland, but it is hardly out of the American mainstream.) This is again, not a “fact,” but a spin. Hawaii is clearly more than 2500 miles form the mainland. As much fun as reporters make of hicks in Kentucky or Alabama, suggesting they are out of the mainstream, it’s just as fair game to question the “mainstream” cultural viewpoint of Hawaii. If the red states are “less than cosmopolitan,” the blue states are “less than nationalistic.” D’Souza’s article borrows heavily from Obama’s own fact-challenged memoir “Dreams From My Father,” so it would be just as fair for Kurtz to suggest to Gibbs that getting elected to office (and becoming a multimillionaire) off a gooey grew-up-fatherless memoir carrying a huge factual disclaimer doesn’t grant you the higher ethical ground on “fact twisting.” Even if Howard Kurtz thinks it does.  Obama’s introduction admits that his quotes in the book are an “approximation,” and “some of the characters that appear are composites of people I’ve known, and some events appear out of precise chronology. With the exception of my family and a handful of public figures, the names of most characters have been changed for the sake of their privacy.” Kurtz put an exclamation point on the liberal argument at the end, without labeling it as liberal: Columbia Journalism Review this week called the D’Souza article “a fact-twisting, error-laden piece of paranoia” and “the worst kind of smear journalism — a singularly disgusting work.” The Columbia Journalism Review is a left-wing rag. The Forbes-bashing writer, Ryan Chittum, also thought Rick Santelli’s 2009 on-air outburst that started the Tea Party movement was comical. His article was headlined “CNBC Editor: The People Are Revolting. Santelli Plays Mel Brooks Playing Louis XVI.” Chittum began:  In the annals of CNBC cluelessness, this morning’s outburst by the channel’s Rick Santelli is up there with the worst….The segment couldn’t more clearly illustrate the disconnect between the financial-services sector, certain financial journalists, and, you know, “reality.” So how is this magazine some sort of nonpartisan, independent arbiter of political writing, as Kurtz implied?

Originally posted here:
Howard Kurtz, White House Mouthpiece? Article Rains ‘Fact’ Fire on Forbes

Gannons to the Left of Me: Bill Press Asks a Pro-Obama, Anti-Beck Question at White House Briefing

In 2005, NBC and MSNBC and CNN were up in arms that conservative “Jeff Gannon” was allowed into the White House briefing room by Team Bush to ask “questions other reporters considered softballs.” Up until now, liberal talk-radio hosts like Ed Schultz have been seated in the front row of Obama press conferences, but they didn’t ask softball questions. On Thursday, it happened. Liberal radio host Bill Press asked press secretary Robert Gibbs to denounce Glenn Beck’s attacks on the president’s “committed Christianity.” BILL PRESS: Robert, over the last four days, Glenn Beck has criticized the president for believing in liberation theology, which he calls a Marxist form of Christianity. Two questions, Does the president, in your knowledge, even know what liberation theology is? ROBERT GIBBS: I don’t know the answer to that. I will say this, Bill, um, a crude paraphrasing of an old quote, and that is, people are entitled to their own opinion, as ill-informed as it may be, but they’re not entitled to their own facts. The president is a committed, mainstream Christian. I don’t, I have no evidence that would guide me, as to what [whether?] Glenn Beck would have any genuine knowledge as to what the president does and does not believe. PRESS: So this Marxist form of Christianity? GIBBS: Again, I can only imagine where Mr. Beck conjured that from. The double-ignorance of this exchange is impressive. How can Bill Press suggest that Barack Obama is ignorant about anything? They’re defending Obama now by suggesting he’s uninformed about progressive strains of Christianity? For his part, Gibbs is stonewalling athletically to assert there’s no evidence that any Obama opponent could assemble to assert Obama’s church of two decades, Trinity United Church of Christ on the south side of Chicago, embraced “black liberation theology” and its leading light, James Cone. In defending Obama, the liberal magazine The Christian Century acknowledged: There is no denying, however, that a strand of radical black political theology influences Trinity. James Cone, the pioneer of black liberation theology, is a much-admired figure at Trinity. Cone told me that when he’s asked where his theology is institutionally embodied, he always mentions Trinity. Video of the Meet Bill Press exchange is supportively offered at a Hillary Clinton-founded media pressure group .

Originally posted here:
Gannons to the Left of Me: Bill Press Asks a Pro-Obama, Anti-Beck Question at White House Briefing

White House Apologizes To Shirley Sherrod [Apologies]

The Administration has begun its grueling cleanup process after the hasty firing of USDA official Shirley Sherrod , following Andrew Breitbart ‘s latest idiot nonsense. At today’s White House press conference, press secretary Robert Gibbs apologized on behalf of the administration. More