Tag Archives: robert-gibbs

White House apologizes to Shirley Sherrod

This is a good start: At the press briefing just now, Robert Gibbs apeared to extend a heartfelt apology to Shirley Sherrod on behalf of the Obama administration, and promised a look at what went wrong. Interestingly, though, he sidestepped a question about whether fear of the conservative media drove the decision to fire Sherrod before the facts were all in. Here's what Gibbs said, referring to Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack: The secretary is trying to reach her. I hope the secretary reaches her soon, and they have an opportunity to talk. The Secretary will apologize for the actions that have taken place over the past 24 to 36 hours. And on behalf of the administration, I offer our apologies. Gibbs also seemed to promise some kind of reckoning as to how the White House botched this mess, though he stopped short of promising anything official: I think everybody has to go back and look at what has happened over the past 24 to 36 hours, and ask ourselves how we got into this. How did we not ask the right questions? How did you all not ask the right questions? How did other people not ask the right questions? When asked directly by a reporter whether the administration had “overreacted” because the White House is “afraid” of the conservative media, Gibbs brushed off the question. http://voices.washingtonpost.com/plum-line/2010/07/white_house_apologizes_to_shi… added by: unimatrix0

MSNBC’s Tamron Hall: Carly Fiorina ‘Like Lindsay Lohan Movie, Mean Girls’

During the 11AM ET hour on MSNBC, anchor Contessa Brewer discussed open mic comments made by senatorial candidate Carly Fiorina with Huffington Post writer Ryan Grim and remarked that the California Republican has “the ‘Mean Girls’ mentality” and “comes off like that Lindsay Lohan movie ‘Mean Girls.'” Hall was referring to Fiorina making fun of Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer’s hairstyle on air before a television interview on Wednesday. Grim completely agreed with Hall’s assessment: “Oh yeah, absolutely. It makes her look terrible. It doesn’t put her in a very good light.” Though he added: “But it’s not something so extreme that it’s going to annihilate her.” Earlier, Grim actually observed that Fiorina “really did dodge a bullet here.” He explained: “…what she said isn’t going to disqualify her from election. It makes her look a little bit silly, a little bit petty, but it’s not going to be something that destroys her candidacy or her career like you had with somebody like Helen Thomas a week or so ago.” Hall also pointed out Fiorina questioning her Republican colleague, California gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman, holding her first post-primary interview with FNC’s Sean Hannity. Hall noted it was “something that may hurt her at least with a big name over at Fox” and asked Grim if Fiorina had started a “blood fight with Sean Hannity.” Grim responded by arguing that Fiorina had made a “reasonable assessment” but concluded “…to see her make the assessment shows her to be calculating. Everybody calculates. But to have it put in front of your face like that, again, just doesn’t put you in the best of light.” Here is a full transcript of the June 10 segment: 11:10AM EST TAMRON HALL: And back to politics. It has happened again. Another politician caught speaking candidly into an open mic, but not realizing that that mic was on. This time it’s Carly Fiorina, who just won the Republican primary in California’s Senate race. Yesterday morning, fresh off her celebration, Fiorina was miked for an interview with a local station in Sacramento. Here’s what she had to say about her opponent, Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer. FIORINA: Lauda saw Barbara Boxer briefly on television this morning and said what everyone says, ‘God, what is that hair?’ [Laughs] So yesterday. [ON-SCREEN HEADLINE: Open Mic Blunder; Fiorina Mocks Barbara Boxer’s Hairstyle] HALL: Well, what is she saying today? Ryan Grim is with the Huffington Post. And Ryan, by all accounts Fiorina and her team are trying to dismiss this as not a big deal. So is it? RYAN GRIM: Well, in a big way, Fiorina really did dodge a bullet here. She was, you know, talking completely candidly with the camera on her that was going to get out. And what she said isn’t going to disqualify her from election. It makes her look a little bit silly, a little bit petty, but it’s not going to be something that destroys her candidacy or her career like you had with somebody like Helen Thomas a week or so ago. What this is, is  kind of a warning shot to candidates across the country. Now think about this, any Senate candidate who’s running in 2010, last ran in 2004. That was a year before YouTube came out. So each of these candidates running for re-election needs to think about Fiorina when they’re at fundraisers, that they think are private, when they’re at their town hall meetings, everything that they do in their life is going to be filmed, and it’s only one press of a button away from going up on YouTube and circulating around the country, so- HALL: Ryan, this is a talker, though, for a lot of reasons, I think because here you have a woman kind of dissing another woman’s hairstyle, mocking her hair, when if a guy had said that, she of course would say ‘it’s about my brain, it’s about my accomplishments, how dare you go to the lowest common denominator and talk about me,’ and it made me think about the ‘Mean Girls’ mentality. Here’s this powerful, political voice, and it kind of comes off like that Lindsay Lohan movie ‘Mean Girls’ where this person doesn’t look like I think she should look. GRIM: Oh yeah, absolutely. It makes her look terrible. It doesn’t put her in a very good light. But it’s not something so extreme that it’s going to annihilate her. If a male candidate had said that about Barbara Boxer, you know, it’s unclear exactly, you know, what effect that would have. I’m sure the conversation would be a different one, you’re right. HALL: Well, people would be saying he’s sexist. But I want to play something that may hurt her at least with a big name over at Fox. Let’s play what she said about or alluded to, regarding Sean Hannity. FIORINA: I think it’s bizarre. I mean, she’s never been on Sean Hannity. I think it’s a very bad choice, actually. You know how he is….But why, after saying no to all these people, would you go on Sean Hannity? HALL: She’s talking about Meg Whitman making an appearance on Sean Hannity. So does this put her in a blood fight with Sean Hannity, then? GRIM: Well, we’re all going to be looking forward to the next interview that she does with Sean Hannity, that’s for sure. What this also does is it shows her making political calculations. It’s what every politician does, but they do it behind closed doors and they do it with their advisers. And even though this is politics, there’s something bizarrely unseemly about playing politics in it. You know, she’s saying, look, the politics of the day after the primary going on TV with Sean Hannity, that doesn’t look good. You know, and that probably is a reasonable assessment. But to see her make the assessment shows her to be calculating. Everybody calculates. But to have it put in front of your face like that, again, just doesn’t put you in the best of light. HALL: Alright, Ryan, greatly appreciate you coming on, talking about it. See you later. GRIM: Thanks for having me. HALL: Thank you. 

Originally posted here:
MSNBC’s Tamron Hall: Carly Fiorina ‘Like Lindsay Lohan Movie, Mean Girls’

NBC’s Mitchell Scolds Big Labor for Daring to ‘Embarrass’ White House

NBC’s Andrea Mitchell took up the cause of the White House in admonishing Big Labor for wasting its money on trying to defeat Arkansas Democratic Senator Blanche Lincoln in the primary there, as she echoed their concern, on Thursday’s Andrea Mitchell Reports, that organized labor essentially aided Republican John Boozman’s chances to win in the general race. Mitchell invited on AFSCME President Gerry McEntee to, in essence, reprimand Big Labor’s decision to support Lincoln’s opponent Bill Halter, when their money could have been better spent on electing Democrats elsewhere, as she scolded: “Why invest so heavily and embarrass the White House here?” The following is a complete transcript of the exchange as it was aired on the June 10 edition of MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports: ANDREA MITCHELL: Blanche Lincoln’s victory was a big setback for organized labor, which opposed her nomination for the Arkansas Senate seat. Labor’s decision to try and defeat a Democratic incumbent senator prompted an anonymous White House official to complain, that it had quote, “Organized labor just flushed $10 million of their members’ money down the toilet on a pointless exercise.” Press Secretary Robert Gibbs was only slightly less critical at the briefing yesterday. (Begin clip) ROBERT GIBBS: While the President might not have agreed with the exact characterization, I think that whether or not that money might have been better spent in the fall on closer elections between somebody, between people who cared about an agenda that benefitted working families those that didn’t, that money might come in more, more handy to then. (End clip) MITCHELL: Joining me now, Gerry McEntee, president of the labor group AFSCME, the timeless, ageless Gerry McEntee, 54 years with AFSCME. Amazing. GERALD MCENTEE, AFSCME PRESIDENT: Thank you, thank you. MITCHELL: Let’s talk about that $10 million. So after 54 years with AFSCME and all your labor experience, why would organized labor flush $10 million down the toilet? It doesn’t mean to make sense to me. MCENTEE: Well first of all, I think it hast to be understood that the decision of whom to back as senator in individual states is a decision that’s made by organized labor and their members in that particular state. So the State Federation of Labor made the decision- MITCHELL: Was it a stupid decision? MCENTEE: No, I don’t think it’s a stupid decision. I think it’s about time that American labor lays down a line in the sand. I mean, you know, we’re not a captive of the White House, we’re not a captive of the Democratic Party. I mean, we stand, work for workers, and if people – take Blanche Lincoln, for example. I mean she supported NAFTA, CAFTA, jobs from Arkansas going overseas. MITCHELL: Yeah but so does John Boozman and now you’ve basically, not you personally Gerry, but organized labor in Arkansas has strengthened the Republican John Boozman. His record. He comes from the Walmart district. He comes from the whole background of being anti-union. He’s against the Employee Free Choice Act. MCENTEE: She doesn’t does do better than Walmart either. MITCHELL: Well Walmart is king in Arkansas, so Bill Clinton was a big supporter of Walmart’s. And you know, Hillary Clinton was on their board when she was First Lady of Arkansas, so that, that goes deep. But more to the point, the Republican now has a very good shot at defeating Blanche Lincoln. MCENTEE: I think he had that before the primary and the difficulty in the primary. MITCHELL: But could, then why, why spend that kind of money? That money could have been spent as, the White House is pointing out, on candidates across the country? Why invest so heavily and embarrass the White House here? MCENTEE: Well I don’t think it was meant to embarrass the White House. I mean I didn’t see her as a captive of the White House, either, I mean in terms of that election. So I didn’t, didn’t, didn’t see it as a… MITCHELL: Well the broader point though, is that this White House and organized labor are not in synch. And you’re making the point that labor is independent but you know what is the relationship with the White House? There were, they did not hesitate to slam labor yesterday morning. By 6:00am I was here and they were sending out the word. MCENTEE: Well I’m glad to hear you get up that early, though. That’s a good thing. MITCHELL: A lot earlier to be, to be ready and on camera at 6:00am MCENTEE: Yeah a lot early. Be ready, be ready. I don’t, once again, I didn’t see it as a battle between organized labor and the White House. It was a battle between a candidate that had not supported working, working families in, in Arkansas. MITCHELL: But, but Gerry, big picture. What do you think of this White House, this White House political operation and its relationship with labor? MCENTEE: Well, I think probably that it leaves something to be desired. The relationship. I don’t get to the White House very much myself, so I don’t know personally. MITCHELL: Haven’t been invited recently? MCENTEE: I have not been invited recently. MITCHELL: Have you ever been invited to this White House? MCENTEE: I’m just trying to think. Yes. I have. I think it was St Patrick’s Day, that I was there. But no, we had any number of meetings at the White House during the, the health care situation and negotiated out parts of the health care reform with the White House. But we consider it, I mean, it could be better. There isn’t any question about that, but it’s, it’s not bitter. It’s, it’s not anything like that. MITCHELL: So one of the major labor leaders in this country, a big Democrat, is saying that the relationship with the Democratic White House is not quote, “not bitter,” but it could be better. Interesting. MCENTEE: Yeah I think that. I think that’s true. MITCHELL: That’s a fair assessment? MCENTEE: I would say that. MITCHELL: Thank you very much Gerry McEntee. MCENTEE: Well thank you. Have me back soon. Please. MITCHELL: You might come here more often than you get to the White House. MCENTEE: That’s true!

Read more:
NBC’s Mitchell Scolds Big Labor for Daring to ‘Embarrass’ White House

Douchebag In Training

Proof The Baby Gap wants to turn your kid into a douche. You probably don't believe me, but this is common knowledge to most . View

Barack Obama Book Club

Barry has some recommended reading for you, America! (The NYT also has a nice story about Obama buying a Star Wars pop-up book for Robert Gibbs' son. Gibbs was all “Sir, it's too expensive” and Barry responds: “It’s for keeping his dad away for too many hours a day.” Awwww.) View

Discovery Channel May Win Sarah Palin Show

Looks like Sarah Palin is coming to the Discovery Channel. A deal for the former governor and current professional celebrity ‘s reality series, Sarah Palin’s Alaska , is expected to be announced by the network in the coming days. The travel series, produced by Mark Burnett, would feature Alaska’s ex-governor giving tours of the state. Hopefully some Todd Palin snow machine shots are featured. Sarah Palin started shopping around the show this month. Major networks passed, but Discovery showed interest. It could air on Discovery or its sister network, TLC. Palin is asking $1.2 million per episode for Sarah Palin’s Alaska , making it one of the most expensive nature series of all time, and constitute a seemingly ridiculous price, but if someone’s willing to pay it, that’s the free market for ya. This is America, don’cha know! HALF-BAKED ALASKA : Sarah Palin’s new nature series might finally make her #1 … at least on THG’s list of most overpaid and overexposed celebrities out there .

Joe Biden F-Bomb Rings in Health Care Reform

The Vice President of the United States, Joe Biden, doesn’t just think the newly-passed Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is a big deal. It’s a pretty big f*%king deal! Without realizing he was being recorded by the podium mic, or maybe just not giving a $h!t, the V.P. congratulated the President yesterday with exactly those words. He’s definitely right, whether you oppose the bill or not. Here are the #1 and #2 men in the U.S. Government marking the passage of landmark health care reform … HEALTH CARE REFORM : A bill worthy of a Joe Biden f-bomb. White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs reportedly backed the V.P. up, saying “Yes, Mr. Vice President, you’re right.” Barack Obama’s senior adviser, Valerie Jarrett, later responded that they are unable to change the gaffe-prone Biden one bit. He certainly had his share of memorable moments during his decades of service as a member of the U.S. Senate from Delaware, including more than one like this. Hey, at least you know he says what he’s thinking, right? A rarity in politics. Here’s a video of Joe Biden’s f-bomb from yesterday and some of his greatest hits … Joe Biden F-Bomb

The rest is here:
Joe Biden F-Bomb Rings in Health Care Reform

Robert Gibbs Has a Comedy Problem

Today, Politico published a hard-hitting report: ” Press Room Laughter Dies Down .” No one is laughing any more at Robert Gibbs! But is it because of a change in “tone,” or because Robert Gibbs is the least funny person in D.C.? It’s the second one. Politico has so many reporters milling around their newsroom watching C-Span that they threw three on the task of sifting through White House press briefings and totaling up the number of times reporters laughed at Robert Gibbs’ press conferences: In the first six months, there was an average of 179 laughs per month—six laughs per day! And so Gibbs became “the funny press secretary”. How did Robert Gibbs get more laughs than Bush’s last two press secretaries plus all post- Happy Gilmore Adam Sandler films combined? Perusing Gibbs’ cringe-y comedic output suggests it was the instictive laughter of relief—a bunch of reporters surprised and delighted to find they had emerged from the class 5 hurricane of the Bush era relatively unscathed. God knows we also wandered the streets for months after the election, deliriously cackling at bums and trees. Ha ha! We made it! But now that everything has settled in, the press corps is able to see Gibbs for the hack that he is: In its second six months, The Robert Gibbs Show generated just 89 laughs/month. (For comparison, a “top stand-up comedy set” gets ” a minimum of 4-6 laughs per minutes .”) Gibbs’ crack wit was on display most recently with his dig at Sarah Palin’s handwritten notes : What could have been a decent bit was made unwatchable by Gibbs’ hokey delivery. Look at me, guys—I’m making a funny! Sarah Palin’s own hand-gate gag— conspicuously writing “Hi Mom” on her hand and waving it around at cameras—was way funnier. Palin’s was a pretty smart, underhanded jab that turned the media back on itself, where Gates’ was a clownish jape meant to please the reporters that are his only reason for existence. Some clowns are funny—think, Charlie Chaplin—but most are sad. A clown is sad because he is so desperate for laughs that he smears an artificial smile on his face; he is always the first to laugh at his own jokes. And so is Gibbs, as evidenced by this truly funny Politico mash-up , “Gibbs Giggles”: A key rule of comedy is: Never laugh at your own jokes. But it often seems Gibbs is attempting only to amuse himself. Like this aborted joke about the “drawing lines in the sand” cliche. It that starts in Gibbs’ own addled brain and ends up bombing with more force than a GBU-28 Bunker Buster missile striking a known Al Qaeda target: What’s sad about this is that the Q & A format of a White House presser is structured perfectly for jokes: Gibbs has a couple dozen straight-men lobbing set-ups at him for an hour. All he needs to do is knock ’em down. The missed opportunities! Like this exchange: REPORTER: Chris Wallace called you the biggest bunch of crybabies I’ve seen in Washington… what’s your reaction? GIBBS: Well… I haven’t cried yet! (LAUGHTER) Here’s what he should have said: Wallace must have been talking about Sasha. Talk about Princess and the Pea. Can’t even give her a little ribbing without her running to Michelle, all: ‘Wah wah, Gibbs called me ‘Little Hitler’ again.” Somebody book that girl on O’Reilly so he can scream in her face for forty minutes. Jesus. Maybe you don’t care about the fact that Robert Gibbs makes Jay Leno look like Mitch Hedberg. But think about this: Gibbs’ words are going down in history. Literally! Some of his words will end up in a history book, probably! And if Gibbs is going to make jokes at press conferences—which we are totally in favor of, by the way—they should be held to the same standard as any of his other utterances. Otherwise, this incredible, real life exchange from a press conference last month will be how our children remember our first black president: REPORTER: Robert, I wanted to go back to the broader message of the Massachusetts election. The tone of your comments yesterday seemed to suggest that you were absorbing the message from that and that there was anger and frustration. But does that mean that there’s any kind of regrouping going on, any kind of change in the agenda, or is there a feeling that the agenda is perfectly fine as it is but it’s just a matter of communicating it better? MR. GIBBS: No, look, this isn’t a “Cool Hand Luke” problem, right? It took a while. Mark, come on, help me out a little bit, right — “failure to communicate.” REPORTER: I had no idea what that meant.

See the original post:
Robert Gibbs Has a Comedy Problem

White House Openly Ridicules Sarah Palin

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs took a blatant shot at former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin today. You could say it was an open-handed slap of sorts. Robert Gibbs addressed the press corps this afternoon with a mini grocery list on his hand. The ingredients: Eggs, Milk, Bread (crossed out), Hope, Change. This was a response to Palin using crib notes while reciting her speech and laying into President Obama at the National Tea Party convention in Nashville. Because you really need to write down “I’m proud to be an American!” – her #1 political position – on your hand. Is memorization that hard? You betcha! Robert Gibbs mocks Sarah Palin’s “notes” from Sunday night . Pretty funny, really, when you consider she rips Obama for using a Teleprompter. Also funny? In her Q&A, she really went off-message … or off-English. Make no mistake, the White House didn’t appreciate Palin’s cheap shots, and the administration isn’t kidding when it talks about fighting back harder. After all, Palin hates their agenda even more than Levi Johnston ! If this continues, it’s going to get pretty stormy in D.C., and not just because the city’s about to get slammed by a second blizzard in less than a week. Should Sarah Palin run for president?

Go here to read the rest:
White House Openly Ridicules Sarah Palin

White House Hits Palin with Open Hand Slap

Filed under: Politix The White House Press Secretary just openly mocked Sarah Palin — and he delivered the blow with the palm of his hand. Robert Gibbs just addressed the media with a mini grocery list written on his hand — plus two smart-ass additions: Eggs, Milk, … Permalink

Go here to read the rest:
White House Hits Palin with Open Hand Slap