Tag Archives: think-the-newly

Joe Biden F-Bomb Rings in Health Care Reform

The Vice President of the United States, Joe Biden, doesn’t just think the newly-passed Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is a big deal. It’s a pretty big f*%king deal! Without realizing he was being recorded by the podium mic, or maybe just not giving a $h!t, the V.P. congratulated the President yesterday with exactly those words. He’s definitely right, whether you oppose the bill or not. Here are the #1 and #2 men in the U.S. Government marking the passage of landmark health care reform … HEALTH CARE REFORM : A bill worthy of a Joe Biden f-bomb. White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs reportedly backed the V.P. up, saying “Yes, Mr. Vice President, you’re right.” Barack Obama’s senior adviser, Valerie Jarrett, later responded that they are unable to change the gaffe-prone Biden one bit. He certainly had his share of memorable moments during his decades of service as a member of the U.S. Senate from Delaware, including more than one like this. Hey, at least you know he says what he’s thinking, right? A rarity in politics. Here’s a video of Joe Biden’s f-bomb from yesterday and some of his greatest hits … Joe Biden F-Bomb

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Joe Biden F-Bomb Rings in Health Care Reform