Tag Archives: still-humilates

Steven Tyler’s Fiance in a Bikini TOp of the Day

This is Steven “everyone’s favorite woman on primetime TV who makes J.Lo look fat and manly” Tyler’s lesbian lover in a bikini top…I’d say they’re working on getting gay married apparently because they are engaged….and he took his song “Dude looks like a lady” a little too seriously…but that would be a bad joke….and despite being good at bad jokes…It still humilates me… That said, she’s young…she’s in a bikini…she has no name…and she’s a she…but could also be a dude looks like a lady….but at 60….any young pussy so long as it has a pussy, even if it is a pussy you wish was in your pants literally…is better than old pussy….

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Steven Tyler’s Fiance in a Bikini TOp of the Day