Tag Archives: store-romp

This Weekend on Cable: Something For the Other Ladies

It may seem like a weekend of chick-flick mediocrities in the theaters — Eat Pray Love , Cairo Time — but on cable you could get a feminist overhaul that doesn’t necessarily include sexless romance with hunky Mediterraneans…

Originally posted here:
This Weekend on Cable: Something For the Other Ladies

Project Runway Recap: Tim Gargles on Woolly Balls

You read that right. Look, I’m running behind on today’s Project Runway bitchslappy recap, so I’m going to barrel through last night’s 90-minute party store romp with a greatest hits version of the recap where we just talk about important things like “animal woolly balls” and regular “balls” and what a sorceress of stank Gretchen has become. Onward!

Read the original post:
Project Runway Recap: Tim Gargles on Woolly Balls