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A Confusing Situation: Mike Sorrentino to Launch Clothing Line

Wanna look like The Situation? Forget fake tanning and crunches. Jersey Shore star Mike Sorrentino is set to make it easy for fans to copy his unique look: Us Weekly reports the well-chiseled ladies’ man has partnered with Dilligaf by Bohica Bill to launch a line of “couture” clothing. It will hit stores next month. This is more confusing than the popularity of Jersey Shore itself: When was the last time The Situation even wore a shirt?!? “Mike ‘The Situation’ embodies our irreverent approach to life,” wrote Dilligaf President Jodi Massry, supposedly seriously, in a statement. “He lives the ‘Let’s not take things so seriously’ mentality every day.” By the way: Dilligaf stands for “Do I Look Like I Give A F***. Seriously. We couldn’t make that up if we tried.