Tag Archives: strapped-down

Kim Kardashian’s Fat Back on a SUP of the Day

This is offensive… But the good thing about it is that she’s no longer hiding the fact that she’s a pig of a woman…prior to today…she was strapped down and trying her hardest to look “hour glass”…with an aweseome waist to hip ratio that didn’t stem from laziness and over eating… But today..it is clear…she has fallen off her smoke and mirror games as she struggles like a fat chick on a paddle board…and that to me…is a victory for mankind… May she just keep getting fatter and fatter until one day exploding….like the sinner that she is. Good times….baby got disgusting back…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS…..IF YOU REALLY LIKE FAT OVERPAID AND OVER HYPED CHICKS IN BIKINIS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Kim Kardashian’s Fat Back on a SUP of the Day