Jenelle Evans is at it again, and by “it,” we don’t mean getting arrested, married, hospitalized or naked. Just dissing Farrah Abraham, her other favorite pastime. Evans, who recently re-tweeted a fan’s comment that at least she didn’t have to “take it in the butt” to stay famous, is not a fan of her Teen Mom counterpart. It’s unclear why, but Farrah’s body enhancements – specifically her HOT new lip injections – are the latest target of Jenelle’s random Twitter shade-throwing. “I’m sorry but I can’t see Farrah’s teeth anymore when she talks, can u?” Jenelle Evans wrote of Farrah Abraham . “Lmfao and she just got her teeth done!” This being Jenelle Evans , she didn’t stop there. Not even close. “I rather be all natural than completely fake,” she continued. “I mean it’s almost every part of her body!” For those keeping score, Farrah has had … Two sets of breast implants (one removed) One chin implant (now removed) Lip injections A nose job A brain transplant Just kidding about that last one, though she might consider it, given some of the thoughts that escape her lips on occasion. The rest? All true! Farrah looks like a completely different person, for sure, not that Jenelle and her fake boobs are ones to talk – a point that she actually addressed. “That’s the ONLY thing fake on me,” she said in response. “Not my chin, cheeks, lips, teeth, hair, and boobs.” Thanks for clearing that up. Now please do as Jenelle Evans wishes and stare at her boobs, which she angles a certain way in every single Instagram photo. Or her mug shots. Another EXPANSIVE gallery for you. Jenelle Evans’ Boobs: Here They Are! Jenelle Evans Mug Shot Gallery Choose your side in this one-sided Teen Mom beef … Team Farrah Team Jenelle View Poll »
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Jenelle Evans Mocks Farrah Abraham Lip Injections: LMFAO!