Bruce Jenner To Reveal Gender Reassignment On Magazine Cover Bruce Jenner is snatched and ready to stunt on hoes. The father of 6 (and Kardashian stepdad/punching bag) has apparently come to terms with his transition into womanhood , is comfortable and ready to show off his new face and body . In the (very obviously photoshopped) cover and story on this week’s issue of In-Touch Magazine , an inside reveals Bruce’s master plan to burst onto the scene as ‘Brigitte’ on the cover of The Advocate once all his newly-installed lady parts are in place: Bruce Jenner is allegedly making plans to begin his life as a woman, as an insider claims 2015 will be the year he goes public with it and completes his ongoing transition. “He will come clean in 2015 about transitioning,” a source close to the reality star tells ‘In Touch.’ “This will be the year of his coming out. He knows that people have recognized his changes, and he’s finally becoming more comfortable with himself and his choice to be a woman.” “When Bruce goes public, he wants to go big and come out as a transwoman on the cover of ‘The Advocate,’ the ultimate LGBT magazine,” the source claims. “He wants to look as glamorous as possible — full makeup with a bold wardrobe. He won’t live his new life in designer clothes like the Kardashian women. He just wants his first official portrait as a woman to be classic and memorable.” “He just wants to live his truth: He’s a great father who’s had an amazing life who just so happens to be trapped in the wrong body,” the source explains. Funny enough, Family Guy actually predicted Bruce’s stroll into lady land years before we started seeing the signs. Maybe Seth McFarlane knew some info we didn’t?? What do you think BOSSIP fam? Can Bruce become a badder bish than his knifed-up stepdaughters? InTouch Weekly
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Busting Out: Bruce Jenner Wants To Reveal His TRANSiston In LGBTQ Mag With Fully “Beat” Face And Lady Hair