Your homie Malik Yoba has a new gig in NY. Malik’s an actor in a new production “Enough Vo5 for The Universe,” where he plays a transgender. Continue reading →
On the 2018 Celebrity Big Brother show, Ginuwine is caught in a pickle when a transgender tries to lean in and kiss him. India Willoughby, the transgender hugged up with Ginuwine, was offended after he turned her down for a kiss in the clip above. Malika Haqq, who looks like she might hook up with Ginuwine, rode with the brother for the turn down and blasted India for being offended. Turn the pages for Willoughby’s beef…with Ginuwine and more.
Caitlyn Jenner Slams Donald Trump Over Trans Bathroom Issue Like we said yesterday…everyone is on the Trump Train until his policies hit them where it personally affects them . Caitlyn Jenner has a message for her ace Donald Trump now that he’s put a halt to transgender students going into the restrooms that match their chosen gender identity. Cait calls the new deal “a disaster” since Trump promised to protect to LGBTQ community…and apparently, she believed him despite how incongruous that is with his stance on just about everything else as far as equal rights go. Caitlyn can more than likely hang it up as far as that phone call goes. But hey, with how deep into ratings and being “well-liked” this guys Trump is…maybe he actually will make the phone call and let us know how it went. We doubt he’ll switch gears and decide to renege on his policy, though… Twitter/WENN/Splash
Ruby Rose Talks Gender Reassignment And Being Victimized By Hate Crime Ruby Rose first captured the public’s attention as an androgynous inmate named Stella Carlin. Her masculine-feminine qualities had men and women drooling with lusty desires over the tattooed Bieber-esque actress, but that wasn’t always the case… In an Edit magazine interview, Rose describes a time when she was brutally beaten by men who didn’t know she was a woman Her friends were all male – girls made her nervous. And it was the girls who bullied her. At first it was because she was different, then at puberty, when she decided to “try the feminine thing” by wearing makeup and growing her hair, it was because they thought she was trying to steal their boyfriends – the result of still playing football with them. Then she came out as gay, and they bullied her for that, too: “‘First you want ourboyfriends, now you want us’ – that kind of thing. I couldn’t win.” In her frustration, Rose shaved her head, bound her chest and dressed as a boy again, hoping to be left alone. It’s a transformation she performed in her short film about gender-fluidity, Break Free, which went viral and won her the part in OITNB, but at the time it didn’t work out so happily. She took a beating from a couple of boys that put her in hospital.“They didn’t see me as a woman,” Incidents like this lead Ruby to believe that she was born into the wrong body, and she considered gender-reassignment surgery, but today she’s happy that she didn’t: “I’m a woman,” she says. “I want to have babies one day, so I’m glad I didn’t make changes earlier in my life.” Crazy to think that the solution to not getting your a$$ kicked by homophobes is to have gender reassignment surgery. THAT’s how bad it is for those living under that type of fear. Image via Instagram
Ruby Rose Talks Gender Reassignment And Being Victimized By Hate Crime Ruby Rose first captured the public’s attention as an androgynous inmate named Stella Carlin. Her masculine-feminine qualities had men and women drooling with lusty desires over the tattooed Bieber-esque actress, but that wasn’t always the case… In an Edit magazine interview, Rose describes a time when she was brutally beaten by men who didn’t know she was a woman Her friends were all male – girls made her nervous. And it was the girls who bullied her. At first it was because she was different, then at puberty, when she decided to “try the feminine thing” by wearing makeup and growing her hair, it was because they thought she was trying to steal their boyfriends – the result of still playing football with them. Then she came out as gay, and they bullied her for that, too: “‘First you want ourboyfriends, now you want us’ – that kind of thing. I couldn’t win.” In her frustration, Rose shaved her head, bound her chest and dressed as a boy again, hoping to be left alone. It’s a transformation she performed in her short film about gender-fluidity, Break Free, which went viral and won her the part in OITNB, but at the time it didn’t work out so happily. She took a beating from a couple of boys that put her in hospital.“They didn’t see me as a woman,” Incidents like this lead Ruby to believe that she was born into the wrong body, and she considered gender-reassignment surgery, but today she’s happy that she didn’t: “I’m a woman,” she says. “I want to have babies one day, so I’m glad I didn’t make changes earlier in my life.” Crazy to think that the solution to not getting your a$$ kicked by homophobes is to have gender reassignment surgery. THAT’s how bad it is for those living under that type of fear. Image via Instagram
The mother says her daughter started wanting to be a boy at the age of two…because she tore the bow out of her hair. Mom says from that moment on, she and her husband knew Lily Nichols was different. I thought it was common for babies to tear things off… Call me crazy.
Amber Rose Says That She Used To Date A Transgender Man Whatever level of freak you might have thought Amber Rose was has just gone up, tenfold. The curvy, blonde, MILF recently admitted to comedienne Margaret Cho that she used to date a transgender man on the latest episode of her Loveline podcast. Via DailyMail The outing came as Amber revealed she thinks transgender men are hot in a new podcast. During a chat with bisexual star Margaret Cho on’s Loveline with Amber Rose Cho said: ‘The women that I like are real masculine … So I like a really butch girl,’ Amber then revealed, ‘I used to date a transman, actually. So I find that hot as well.’ Cho responded, ‘I like transmen. I’ve dated transmen and transwomen too. So right now, there is a lot of different people on my [Pinterest] board and you can’t really make any sort of sense of type. And then I like a dirty, old man.’ Wonder what Wiz Khalifa has to say about this. Do you think he was aware that his ex-wife used to canoodle with trans men? Image via Instagram