Tag Archives: trans-bathroom

Caitlyn Jenner Comes For Donald Trump For Lying To Her About Protecting Trans Rights

Caitlyn Jenner Slams Donald Trump Over Trans Bathroom Issue Like we said yesterday…everyone is on the Trump Train until his policies hit them where it personally affects them . Caitlyn Jenner has a message for her ace Donald Trump now that he’s put a halt to transgender students going into the restrooms that match their chosen gender identity. Cait calls the new deal “a disaster” since Trump promised to protect to LGBTQ community…and apparently, she believed him despite how incongruous that is with his stance on just about everything else as far as equal rights go. Caitlyn can more than likely hang it up as far as that phone call goes. But hey, with how deep into ratings and being “well-liked” this guys Trump is…maybe he actually will make the phone call and let us know how it went. We doubt he’ll switch gears and decide to renege on his policy, though… Twitter/WENN/Splash

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Caitlyn Jenner Comes For Donald Trump For Lying To Her About Protecting Trans Rights