Tag Archives: stupid-fight

Conan’s Tour: Details From Night #1

Link: http://www.popeater.com/2010/04/13/co… Hot on the heels of his odd TBS announcement, Conan kicked off “The Legally Prohibited From Being Funny On TV Tour” in Oregon last night. Details/maybe spoilers within, including a nice anecdote about Self-Pleasuring Panda. The Best Links: More info here. Read

Stupid Fight On Twitter

Link: http://www.tomscott.com/stupidfight/ Whose Twitter followers are the dumbest? More importantly, how do your followers stack up against @ JustinBieber 's? Stupid Fight uses SCIENCE to tell you the answer. So far, it's been really accurate for me. @ BuzzFeed 's followers are sharper than a bag of tacks. Read