Tag Archives: stupider-fake

Katie Price is the Trashy Entrepreneur of the Day

I have never seen a bitch as enterprising as Katie Price. Especially for someone with such stupid fake tits. You’d think she would have just been forgotten and replaced by younger pussy with even stupider fake tits….but I guess she loves money and here she is launching another division of her empire, this time with baby clothes, cuz she’s done Horse accessories, hair accessories and a whole lot of other shit I don’t understand….not only am I confused by whoever is investing in her, but also by who the fuck is buying her crap, seriously, when I hear her name I think gutterthat belongs in the discount bin at the the seedy sexy shop with a chronic masturbating fat pig owner/operator but I guess there is a movement of trashy cunt in the UK who look up to Katie Price and see her as a someone they can relate to, because she looks like them and dresses like them but she’s all fancy like she’s fucking royalty….and I’m really just concerned about these kids she’s abducted….not to mention her choice in white pants…cuz I have seen her sex tape and that pussy is mangled.. Pics via Fame

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Katie Price is the Trashy Entrepreneur of the Day