Tag Archives: succinct-words

Chad Ochocinco Confirms Engagement to Evelyn Lozada

Chad Ochocinco may not know how to properly spell the Spanish translation of his football number, but the Bengals wide receiver is well aware of how to spell true love: E-V-E-L-Y-N L-O-Z-A-D-A. In other, far more succinct words: the former NFL All-Pro has confirmed his engagement to Evelyn Lozada . Evelyn Lozada, will you marry me, my bank account and my reality show career? “It’s time for me to sit down,” Ochocinco told Ryan Seacrest on the latter’s radio show today. “Enough is enough. I’m 32, you know, my days are over… I think I found everything I’ve been looking for in one person. [She’s] everything I’ve been missing.” Lozada is a familiar name to viewers of VH1’s Basketball Wives . She was once engaged to NBA star Antoine Walker, until that power forward squandered his fortune and fell over $4 million into debt. There’s little doubt she and Ochocinco will last forever, though.

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Chad Ochocinco Confirms Engagement to Evelyn Lozada