Tag Archives: join-the-party

MattyB Covers Justin Bieber, Rihanna

MattyB makes Willow Smith seem like a senior citizen. This aspiring rapper is just seven years old, but he continues to make a viral splash for himself by covering major hits by established artists. The latest singers to get the adorable MattyB treatment? Justin Bieber and Rihanna. Watch this youngster do his hilarious thing below: MattyB Does Bieber MattyB Raps

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MattyB Covers Justin Bieber, Rihanna

Chad Ochocinco Confirms Engagement to Evelyn Lozada

Chad Ochocinco may not know how to properly spell the Spanish translation of his football number, but the Bengals wide receiver is well aware of how to spell true love: E-V-E-L-Y-N L-O-Z-A-D-A. In other, far more succinct words: the former NFL All-Pro has confirmed his engagement to Evelyn Lozada . Evelyn Lozada, will you marry me, my bank account and my reality show career? “It’s time for me to sit down,” Ochocinco told Ryan Seacrest on the latter’s radio show today. “Enough is enough. I’m 32, you know, my days are over… I think I found everything I’ve been looking for in one person. [She’s] everything I’ve been missing.” Lozada is a familiar name to viewers of VH1’s Basketball Wives . She was once engaged to NBA star Antoine Walker, until that power forward squandered his fortune and fell over $4 million into debt. There’s little doubt she and Ochocinco will last forever, though.

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Chad Ochocinco Confirms Engagement to Evelyn Lozada

Lady Gaga Cries in Concert in Poland, Calls Out "Trendy" Counterparts

It’s not often you see Lady Gaga reduced to tears on stage. The two main talking points from the pop star’s impromptu concert address in Poland Friday … Her upcoming album, Born This Way , will be the best of the decade. She’s sick of the whole let-your-freak-flag-fly trend in pop culture. Lady Gaga Cries During Poland Concert “The funny thing is some people reduce freedom to a brand,” Gaga said, crying. “They think that it’s trendy now to be free. They think it’s trendy to be excited about your identity. In truth, there is nothing trendy about Born This Way .” Gaga has long been a vocal advocate for gay rights, but is this personal? Is there a hint of jealousy at “her” message being co-opted by other celebrities? The bulk of Lady Gaga’s speech sounded like a direct response to the handful of empowerment songs female pop stars have released in recent months. From Pink’s “Raise Your Glass” to Katy Perry’s “Firework” and Ke$ha’s “We R Who We R,” many singers seem to be siding with the underdogs lately. The wig and lipstick comments may be a shot at Nicki Minaj, who has embraced a gay fan base, and donned an assortment of out-there hairpieces. No one here’s questioning the motives of Pink, Katy or Ke$ha, and Gaga likely isn’t either, but you can’t help but wonder if she’s feeling a bit left out. After all, those artists performed at the American Music Awards before Born This Way was even released. Is Gaga trying to take back the message? This is a girl who’s donned a meat dress, done countless PSAs, even embraced hermaphrodite rumors about herself. But can’t others join the party? You tell us: Was Lady Gaga weeping because she feels so strongly about her fans and her causes, or for selfish reasons? A combination of the two?

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Lady Gaga Cries in Concert in Poland, Calls Out "Trendy" Counterparts

Buzz Break: Drew and Justin, Poster Children for Romcoms

Now Playing: Stephanie Zacharek’s Video Review of Eclipse!

Folks, let’s face it: There’s only one movie that really matters this summer. Nevertheless, while Inception doesn’t open for another two weeks, we’ll all just just have to make do with The Twilight Saga: Eclipse for now. And you’d better believe a lot of moviegoers are totally fine doing exactly that . But what exactly are they seeing, anyway? In her latest video review, Movieline’s chief film critic Stephanie Zacharek breaks down the new Twilight blockbuster. Click through and join the party.

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Now Playing: Stephanie Zacharek’s Video Review of Eclipse!

DeAnna Pappas: Jillian Harris Will Pick Ed Swiderski

It’s down to Ed Swiderski and Kiptyn Locke (with Reid Rosenthal possibly to return and join the party) in the fight for Jillian Harris’ love on The Bachelorette.

Who’s The Bachelorette gonna pick? There are arguments (and spoilers) that suggest all three – but Jillian’s predecessor, DeAnna Pappas, thinks she knows.

“I think she’s going to chose Ed,” DeAnna, who chose Jesse Csincsak over Jason Mesnick last season, tells Extra. “She’s only had eyes for Ed from day one.”

Jillian Harris, Ed SwiderskiA DeAnna Pappas Photo

In addition to predicting a proposal by Ed Swiderski, DeAnna Pappas also thinks that Jillian regrets letting bad boy Texas musician Wes Hayden into her life.

“I’m sure Jillian is sitting at home [watching the show] going, ‘Why did I let him get past night one?'” said DeAnna, who was interviewed for some reason.

DeAnna admits it was a big challenge to confront the dismissed suitors for the taping of “The Men Tell All” special, confessing that she was “extremely nervous” and had “really strong feelings” for the final four bachelors.

The traditional “The Men Tell All” special airs this Monday, July 20, with no Wes Hayden or Reid Rosenthal on attendance. Reid’s absence has sparked The Bachelorette spoilers that the ousted suitor makes a return on the big finale.

The season finale airs Monday, July 27.