Tag Archives: such-as-nine

Susan Sarandon’s New Boy Toy

Link: http://newsbizarre.com/2009/12/susan-… Susan Sarandon may have left husband Tim Robbins for 31-year-old “ping pong entrepreneur” Jonathan Bricklin. A Gawker commenter said: “I heard Susan Sarandon do an interview about ping-pong on Air America a few weeks ago and she spent a whole hour praising Jonathan Bricklin! She seemed enamoured of him.” Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Mom Brought To Tears By Thing Picked Up At Airport

Link: http://www.theonion.com/content/news/…

Here is the original post:
Mom Brought To Tears By Thing Picked Up At Airport

Christmas Laser Beam Cats

If cats could shoot laser beams, they'd totally do it in a deadpan, droll sort of manner. This is basically how the world is going to end. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

"With Nine Inch Nails, I Thee Wed"

Someone in Germany was so bored he/she turned a bunch of bands such as Nine Inch Nails, Vampire Weekend and Bat for Lashes into costume jewellery. [via One Hand Band ] Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment