It would be so easy to mock Candice Swanepoel’s boyfriend for his choice in underwear bathing suits, but really I don’t think bathing suit choices affect your sexuality, and I think the fact his bangs Candice Swanepoel and has her locked down, makes him pretty confident as the leader of all men….straight isn’t even an issue…even if his dick was in the mouth of 4 dudes shooting a gay porn at a gay pride party high on GHB in these pics…he has more game than you….so faggy underwear bikini bottoms or not…the focal point of these pics are his girlfriend’s hot model ass being jacked up by her bikini….if you know what I mean… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK
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Candice Swanepoel and Her Boyfriend with their Bikinis Jacked Up their Asses of the Day