Did you catch the season finale of Marriage Boot Camp last night? Lots of stuff went down: as always, the couples were faced with the big decision of whether or not to stay together or go their separate ways. And even though we've known for a while now how things ended up for Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin, it was still tough to watch it all go down. What happens is the cast members all have to consider if they want to give their spouse (or significant other or whatever) a ring, signifying their desire to work on the relationship, or if they want to give them a big bunch of nothing. They make their choice, and then they meet up at what looks like a big fancy wedding altar — no pressure though. When Kailyn and Javi get up there, they're asked if they have anything else they'd like to say. Javi begins, telling her “This experience has been a crazy ride.” He's not lying. “Here, it makes me think of our wedding, and it just brings back old memories, I guess,” he says, tearing up. “So if we understand each other and communicate, we're not gonna work out.” Obviously he meant that if they don't understand each other and communicate, they're not going to work out, but the guy is obviously very, very nervous, so hey, mistakes happen. When it's Kailyn's turn to speak, she says “So, Javi, you're the father of my son, I know you're a hard worker, I know at one point, we were in love, but I just don't feel like we're there anymore.” And that, friends, cuts Javi like a knife. You can see it all over his face, and it hurts. Still, with tears literally streaming down his face, he opens his box to reveal a ring. Even after everything, he still wants her. “I just want to be able to try, one last time,” he says, his voice shaking with emotion. “From the bottom of my heart, I love you.' Then it's Kailyn's turn to open her box. And … well, things don't go Javi's way, we'll say that. We all know what happened after this. They went home, they never got back together, and she got pregnant with another man's baby. He began dating her co-worker , and now they're not getting along at all, not even a little bit. It's all a great big mess. Check out the super emotional moment in the clip below:
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Javi Marroquin Cries Over Kailyn Lowry: I Still Love You!