Tag Archives: super-thirsty

Here’s What Kandi Thinks About Marlo Questioning Her Lesbihonest Lovin’ On #RHOA

RHOA rumor control… Kandi Reacts To Marlo’s Lesbian Question On RHOA Remember when we told you that on an upcoming episode of RHOA Marlo Hampton’s going to ask Kandi outright if she’s a lesbian? https://www.instagram.com/p/BQZHX7glM_z/?taken-by=realhousewivesatlanta Well Kandi’s reacting to the questioning that was brought on by Phaedra’s claims that Kandi and Shamea Morton are secretly lesbian lovers … and she’s not mad at Marlo in the slightest. “I mean on our show, you can ask anybody anything. She was putting them on blast for whispering behind my back basically,” said Kandi to Access Hollywood who asked her if Marlo was out of line. She added however that she was mad about the girls trying to expose her when most of them have had “girl on girl experiences” themselves. “I’ve never made it a secret,” said Kandi. “The thing that made me mad about it is because truth be told a few of the girls at the table have had a moment of time with a girl, or a girl on girl experience,” said Kandi. “I’ve never made it a secret that I’ve had a moment in the lady pond, you know what I’m saying. So I’ve already told them this before.” Hit the flip to see who Kandi is pretty pissed at over the secret lesbian rumors.

See the rest here:
Here’s What Kandi Thinks About Marlo Questioning Her Lesbihonest Lovin’ On #RHOA

This Attention Slorey Singer Got Dragged For Her Musty #MAGA Grammys Dress

Girl, bye!!! Joy Villa Blasted Over Trump Inspired Grammys Dress A singer known for her attention slorey red carpet attire turned heads at tonight’s Grammys. Joy Villa, who previously got mistaken for Keyshia Cole when she wore THIS get up…. donned a Donald Trump inspired Make America Great Again dress. According to the unknown super thirsty songstress, she chose to make the political statement to encourage love. Yeah, okay. People aren’t buying it of course, and she’s being dragged to the dustiest, mustiest corners of MAGA hell. Get a job, Joy! More Joy Villa dragging on the flip. Splash News

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This Attention Slorey Singer Got Dragged For Her Musty #MAGA Grammys Dress