Jack Black has been reported dead… but read on before you start with the tears. The comedian was apparently the victim of a hoax pulled by hacker who busted into the Twitter account of Tenacious D, Black’s band. Early on Sunday, a disturbing tweet from the account was sent. “I’m sad to officially announce the death of Jack Black at the age of 46, rest in peace brother,” read the post. Shortly thereafter, a second tweet reading simply “#RipJackBlack” was issued. And to make sure it seemed super believable, the hacker sent a third tweet: “It is with a heavy heart I am to announce that Jack Black passed away last night at 3:37am. The cause of death is yet unknown.” After a number of media outlets reported the alleged death, the criminal finally came clean. “Calm down guys! It’s just a prank bro, look there’s the camera,” he or she wrote, adding, “The Legend is still alive, it is ok guys :)” And then, unbelievably, the a-hole took a stab at self-promotion. “While you are all on Twitter, you should all follow me @Ruthless” If any of you were in fact considering following this person, sorry, the account has been suspended. Tenacious D has resumed control of the account and the death tweets have been deleted. The band sent a message clarifying that the whole ordeal was nothing but a terribly unfunny hoax. “WE had our Twitter account hacked. We can assure you that Jack is ALIVE and WELL and that this was a sick ‘prank,'” they tweeted. Last we heard from Black, he was starting up some shiz with Leonardo DiCaprio , but that quickly fizzled out, as we’re sure this scandal will as well.
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Jack Black Reported Dead via Twitter!