Tag Archives: sushi-nunchaku

Dead Sushi’s Rina Takeda and Noboru Iguchi: The Mr. Skin Interview

They are the most unlikely of collaborators: a fresh-faced, wholesome karate star barely out of her teens and the poop-obsessed director of Mutant Girls Squad (2010). But fate did bring Rina Takeda and Noboru Iguchi together, and the result is Dead Sushi (2012), the kooky horror-comedy that was one of our highlights of Fantastic Fest 2012. Rina stars as clumsy waitress/sushi nunchaku master Keiko, and while she doesn’t engage in the naked antics of her co-stars Aiko Hashiuchi, Maaya Morinaga , and Marin , she’s still managed to high-kick her way right into our hearts. We talked to Rina and Noboru through a translator in Austin, TX, and you can read the results after the jump!

Read more here:
Dead Sushi’s Rina Takeda and Noboru Iguchi: The Mr. Skin Interview