Each and everyone of us varies from our food preferences. Food is meant to be eaten and enjoyed, but what would you think of the following food? Tell me your reactions: 1. Monkey Brains in China Chinese cuisine is very varied. They can cook and prepare anything crawls, flies, swims or slithers. It’s one of the reasons that there’s such little wildlife near any inhabited region of China. Animals are food and there’s no room for sentimentality. But imagine sitting in a restaurant where a live monkey is brought in, its head sliced open and its brains served up as a rare (and illegal) delicacy? 2. Maggot Cheese in Sardinia One of Sardinia’s national delicacies is a rotten cheese (casu marzu) infested with maggots – the worms themselves become full of cheese fat and are considered quite sumptuous. 3. Roasted Silk Worm Pupae in South Korea If you go out drinking in South Korea, check if your order of beer is served with a tray of roasted peanuts….I mean….silkworm pupae. The cocoons are sold also on the street and taste, remarkably enough, like rotting meat. When you pass the vendors stoke up the pupae and the smell causes many foreigners to retch. 4. Live Ants in South America In the jungles of Colombia and Ecuador, there are species of ants which make for good eating. The locals dab them from the trees with a fingertip and it’s about as laborious as eating sunflower seeds to get a good mouthful. The trick is to chew the ants before they try and bite you. 5. Deep-fried Cockroaches in Thailand Disgusting and loathsome housepest comes as a tasty snack in Thailand which is sld deep-fried. 6. Fly Pancakes in Malawi In Malawi,flies are caught in the net and squashed into a patty and then fried as a pancake on any available metal surface, the sun being so hot. 7. Anything to do with Fish in Japan Everyone knows about sushi and stories about writhing fish, eyeballs etc are pretty commonplace. But what about a fish that contains a toxin so dangerous that it paraylses the muscles in your lungs? 300 people die a year from eating Fugu Blowfish and they have to just sit and wait until they suffocate. 8. Bull’s Testicles in Spain Wanna be man enough? The organic of counterpart of Viagra or way much better, they say. 9. Black Pudding in England Boiled pig’s blood and is served for breakfast sometimes. (Check ‘Dinuguan’ – Filipino Cuisine) 10. American Fast Food The food has all been processed to the point that it’s quite tasteless and then souped up with chemical flavouring that ensure that your Big Mac will taste exactly the same, wherever in the world you eat it. Bring on the maggot cheese. World’s Weirdest Food is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading →