Tag Archives: sweet-suspense

Happy 21st Birthday, Josh Hutcherson!

Raise your glass, movie fans: Josh Hutcherson turns 21 years old today! The handsome actor has sky-rocketed to fame due to his role as Peeta in The Hunger Games and will next be seen in that role when Catching Fire hits theaters on November 22. But Hutcherson made news this week for an interesting off-screen comment. Speaking to Out, the young star said he’s ” mostly straight ” and, although he’s never been with a guy before, he admits to finding some attractive and is open to the possibility. There’s something you don’t hear everyday from an an actor. So join us now in wishing this outspoken, confident celebrity the very best birthday possible and then do the same for the following famous folks: Tyler Blackburt (27) Kirk Cameron (43) Hugh Jackman (45)

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Happy 21st Birthday, Josh Hutcherson!

Happy 21st Birthday, Josh Hutcherson!

Raise your glass, movie fans: Josh Hutcherson turns 21 years old today! The handsome actor has sky-rocketed to fame due to his role as Peeta in The Hunger Games and will next be seen in that role when Catching Fire hits theaters on November 22. But Hutcherson made news this week for an interesting off-screen comment. Speaking to Out, the young star said he’s ” mostly straight ” and, although he’s never been with a guy before, he admits to finding some attractive and is open to the possibility. There’s something you don’t hear everyday from an an actor. So join us now in wishing this outspoken, confident celebrity the very best birthday possible and then do the same for the following famous folks: Tyler Blackburt (27) Kirk Cameron (43) Hugh Jackman (45)

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Happy 21st Birthday, Josh Hutcherson!

The X Factor Top 16: Who Will Win?

And then there were 16. The final 16, that is, as The X Factor has spent the last two weeks narrowing its Season 3 field down to four sets of four acts each. Who stands the best chance at winning it all? Let’s break it down group by group, shall we? THE GIRLS: Rion Page has to be the front-runner here. She’s only 13. She has overcome a disability – and she can really sing! She’s one of the top contenders overall. Which girl do you think has the best chance of winning?   Khaya Cohen Rion Paige Danielle Geimer Ellona Santiago View Poll » THE OVER-25s: We’re casting our early stock with Lillie McCloud . This 54-year old has talent and passion and a loyal fan base already. Which over-25 singer do you think has the best chance of winning?   Jeff Gutt Rachel Potter James Kenney Lillie McCloud View Poll » THE BOYS: Maybe the hardest group to call, but Josh Levi won us over this week. As the judges noted, this 15-year old has star potential written all over him. Which boy singer do you think has the best chance of winning?   Carlos Guevara Tim Olstad Carlito Olivero Josh Levi View Poll » THE GROUPS: A group is not going to win. They just can’t gather the same  sort of fan support as a single adorable boy or an incredibly talent girl. But Alex & Sierra are a real-life couple and their Grease duet this week was totally awesome. Which group do you think has the best chance of winning?   Restless Road Sweet Suspense Alex & Sierra Roxxy Montana View Poll »

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The X Factor Top 16: Who Will Win?