Tag Archives: takes-someone

Sylvie Meis Photoshoot of the Day

Sylvie-Meis was once Sylvie van der Vaart, but then she got a divorce. I am sure I’ve written about her a bunch of times, she’s some Dutch “TV PERSONALITY” and “LINGERIE MODEL” who was actually just a WAG, or Soccer wife, that was probably low level modelling, you know handing out samples at some events, where she lured in her rich player husband. I can’t imagine the country being all that big, or the athletes all that unaccessible when the girls look like this…because even at 40, she’s pretty fucking substantial, and now, like so many other 40 year old divorcees on the divorcee tear, trying to piss off her ex husband during the divorce, especially when she finds out he’s got a younger girlfriend…or multiple younger girlfriends…and I guess this shoot is all part of that “I can still land a billionaire, because I am still hot, and I don’t need my ex husband, I just need the alimony” campaign… She’s a survivor…first from Breast cancer and now from this…a titty survivor..I believe…

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Sylvie Meis Photoshoot of the Day

Shay Mitchell in Bed of the Day

Shay Mitchell is some insanely famous actress that you’ve probably never heard of, because she’s too busy napping, and taking in bed selfies, riding her fame from the TV show that she’s on, and that teens everywhere watch religiously, but that the general population doesn’t give a fuck about…I never see motherfuckers plugging it on social media saying “OMG PRETTY LITTLE LIARS IS ON”…but that could be because I hate 16 year olds…and teens in general..they are the fucking worst…and I guess so are their leaders like Shay Mitchell…who should be trying to get herself in more serious roles…I mean use this being at the top for more than just pics in bed…use it for nude roles in indy movies..take a lead from her Ashley Benson BFF who she probably hates because Benson gets all the glory… I think I just Pretty Little Liars gossiped…The media is turning me into everything I hate…must go look at more tits.

Here is the original post:
Shay Mitchell in Bed of the Day

Kid Richards Amazing Babe on Film of the Day

Here is and interesting shoot by my new favorite Portugal based photographer named KID RICHARDS , who is taking a little initiative and saying to the world that he’s actually a photographer, because he shoots on film, and archaic technology that requires actual skill and experience to generate awesome images, that need to be scanned to the internet to be seen by all of us…and I respect that in a world filled with instagram photographers and Digital camera technology that does 99 percent of the work – I get in this fight with photographers all the time, they never will admit it though… So it takes someone to bust out the film, like a hipster teen girl at urban outfitters, and do something different with it…so for that reason alone I dig this KID RICHARDS …but throw a naked girl in bed holding a fluorescent light into the mix…and he becomes all that much better… Good things to come from KID RICHARDS …

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Kid Richards Amazing Babe on Film of the Day