I was with a friend the other day who drives a mini, he pulled in between a huge, I’m talking jacked up pick-up truck with an Axe on the roof rack, like he was some kind of backwoods fireman or some shit, and some expensive sports car like a Porsche and he turned to me and said “Which one of us do you think has the biggest dick”….and I laughed, because I knew a man who didn’t need to compensate with car but who is constantly fucking hot bitches, and who drives a mini doesn’t necessarily have the biggest dick, but he definitely comes across like he does….and same goes for this gangster in a Prius knockout, I mean you’d think anyone in a Pirus was a vegan lesbian trying to save the world, not a killer who’s fists are his weapon… Either way, it made me laugh.
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Prius Driving Ninja of the Day