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Exclusive: Freeky Zekey Denies Strong-Arming Non-Profit Head; Says Whole Thing Is A Misunderstanding

Freeky Zekey Says Booking Dispute Was A Misunderstanding; Says He Respects Women “Dip Set’s” Freeky Zekey has hit back at a nonprofit head’s claims that he defrauded her for an appearance fee at her charity gala and then threatened her mother for the rest of the dough. Freeky Zekey said the fallout from his appearance at the “Sisters In Charge” masquerade gala last year had been a misunderstanding and said his accuser had been less than professional in her dealings with him. Earlier this week, we revealed Tamara Charles’ claims that Freeky Zekey reneged on their verbal agreement for him to Zeke to co-host her “Sisters In Charge” gala Oct. 14 and perform. Charles said she sent Zekey a $1,600 deposit to secure the deal. But instead, Charles said Zekey arrived 15 minutes before the event ended, underdressed and seemingly intoxicated. She said he hyped the crowd for a few minutes before taking pictures and speaking to “Love & Hip Hop’s” Juju, who was also a special guest. Charles said he still demanded the rest of his booking fee and threatened her and her mother until they came up with the rest. Charles also said Freeky Zekey stole her phone out of her hand, and when she got it back weeks later, it had been reset. But Zekey – whose real name is Ezekiel Giles – wants to tell his side of the story: According to his rep, Zeke acknowledged that he was late to the gala, but was under the impression that the night ended at 1 a.m., not 11 p.m. He said that most artists do not arrive at the beginning of an event, and once he got there was another performer on stage, so he waited his turn. Zekey contends that he got on stage, performed and also made a speech about the importance of domestic violence prevention. He said he asked Charles for the rest of his money – another $1,600 – but Charles said to wait until the end of the night. Zekey said it’s customary to get paid before the artist takes the stage. He said he asked her again a short time later, and she asked him to go outside with her, his rep said. He said Charles handed him an envelope, but it was less than the $1,600. He said by that time, her friends and family came outside, and her mother volunteered to give him the remaining balance. He then followed the mom in his car to a house and then to an ATM. When the mom gave him the additional money, he got on his knees and thanked her. Freeky’s rep showed BOSSIP video and photos of the rapper/hype man performing at the gala – proof that Zekey said he provided to Pay Pal, which is why he was able to keep the initial deposit. He said Charles disputed his fee with Pay Pal some two months after the event. The rapper also denied snatching Charles’ phone. He said her phone was among several phones that were on a table, and he believed it was his. His rep said he mailed the phone back to their mutual friend the following day. “Freekey Zekey has a deep respect for women, having close relationships with his fiance, aunts, nieces, etc…And he finds these accusations deeply upsetting,” his rep told BOSSIP in a statement. “He denies her accusations wholeheartedly.”

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Exclusive: Freeky Zekey Denies Strong-Arming Non-Profit Head; Says Whole Thing Is A Misunderstanding