Tag Archives: tanning-bitch

Tanning Mom Is a Serious Turn On of the Day

This tanning bitch is porn to me….I don’t know why…maybe it is because I like clown looking bitches who put their daughter’s life in jeopardy all in the name of a good healthy complexion….one that makes a 30 year old look like a dried up leather boot….she’s just trying to instill important values into her girl…like that no one likes a pasty bitch…and really the tanning salon is to blame…becuase as far as I’m concerned, this dried up, leathery face, just looks experienced at well traveled…like she’s been lost at sea for a few months….an expert at a life we just don’t understand…and when looking at her and her white lipstick…I just can’t help but wonder what her pussy looks like…. Tanning mom is my new addiction. She needs her own reality show… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Tanning Mom Is a Serious Turn On of the Day