Another day, another controversial ad campaign firing peeps up online. Move over, happy prostitute ads . Step right up, pregnant teen boys! The campaign, by Chicago Department of Public Health’s Office of Adolescent and School Health, features the tagline, “Unexpected? Most teen pregnancies are.” Teen pregnancy in Chicago is 1.5 times higher than the national average. Fortunately for miscreant boys, they can’t get pregnant. Unfortunately, they’re getting called out in these ads for being deadbeats and shirking responsibility. The point, of course, is to show that “teen parenthood is more than just a girl’s responsibility,” something the men of Teen Mom don’t exactly drive home. Looking at you, Adam Lind and all you other douchebags. This dude obviously isn’t knocked up, but he should be knocked around a bit if he doesn’t step up and think with his brain instead of his … you know. You get the provocative, online buzz-worthy point by now. So remember, hornball teens: Pull and pray does not actually work. No glove, no love. Wrap it before you tap it. Double bag it if you have to. Be safe. You’ll be glad you did, lest you end up like Jenelle Evans .
Continued here:
Pregnant Boy Ads: As Unexpected as Teen Pregnancy!