Tag Archives: dystopic-novel

Lindsay Lohan DOOMED Because of Dad, Doc Gooden Says

Lindsay Lohan was destined for a downward spiral because of her train wreck dad Michael, according to former baseball standout Dwight “Doc” Gooden. The athlete has experience with Lindsay’s dad from their 2011 stint in Celebrity Rehab together, and tells Jim Rome, “He was definitely a head case.” “I can kinda understand why Lindsay has the problems she has.” Doc says Michael Lohan was the most screwed up of his Rehab, but LiLo’s dad says Gooden is just bitter because he recently tried to get him help. Wait, what? Michael tells TMZ , “I am sorry that Dwight is in such a bad place. He used to stay in touch with me but he fell off the wagon and into his dugout mode.” “I am surprised he said that, but maybe it’s because I work in the recovery business,” the father of Lindsay Lohan adds, presumably without irony or sarcasm. “I recently tried to get him to go into treatment. I guess he isn’t throwing strike outs as much as striking out himself. Just another wild pitch!” Good one MiLo. For what it’s worth, sources say Lindsay has been a model rehab patient since she checked in – despite the shenanigans she pulled at the onset.

See the rest here:
Lindsay Lohan DOOMED Because of Dad, Doc Gooden Says

Family Guy Spoofs Girls, Gets Dirty for Emmy Campaign

For the consideration of Emmy voters around the nation, Family Guy has released a new print ad. And it makes those Family Guy quotes uttered every Sunday night seem downright tame by comparison. The campaign takes aim at HBO’s Girls and features the Fox sitcom’s characters posing like Lena Dunham , Allison Williams, Jemima Kirke and Zosia Mamet. But it’s the tagline along the top that really gets your attention: “Here’s a load of comedy to shoot on your chest.” Will voters respond to these racy tactics? Nominations for the 2013 ceremony will be announced on July 18.

Go here to read the rest:
Family Guy Spoofs Girls, Gets Dirty for Emmy Campaign

Pregnant Boy Ads: As Unexpected as Teen Pregnancy!

Another day, another controversial ad campaign firing peeps up online. Move over, happy prostitute ads . Step right up, pregnant teen boys! The campaign, by Chicago Department of Public Health’s Office of Adolescent and School Health, features the tagline, “Unexpected? Most teen pregnancies are.” Teen pregnancy in Chicago is 1.5 times higher than the national average. Fortunately for miscreant boys, they can’t get pregnant. Unfortunately, they’re getting called out in these ads for being deadbeats and shirking responsibility. The point, of course, is to show that “teen parenthood is more than just a girl’s responsibility,” something the men of Teen Mom don’t exactly drive home. Looking at you, Adam Lind and all you other douchebags. This dude obviously isn’t knocked up, but he should be knocked around a bit if he doesn’t step up and think with his brain instead of his … you know. You get the provocative, online buzz-worthy point by now. So remember, hornball teens: Pull and pray does not actually work. No glove, no love. Wrap it before you tap it. Double bag it if you have to. Be safe. You’ll be glad you did, lest you end up like Jenelle Evans .

Continued here:
Pregnant Boy Ads: As Unexpected as Teen Pregnancy!

Miss USA Winners: Nude For PETA!

Four Miss USA winners in the nude? Together? Sign us up. A gorgeous quartet is teaming up, sans clothes, for PETA. Ahead of this year’s pageant, past champs Shanna Moakler (1995), Shandi Finnessey (2004), Susie Castillo (2003) and Alyssa Campanella (2011) are naked! In the gorgeous black and white photo, the four lovely ladies appear along with the tagline “Feel Beautiful in Your Own Skin, and Let Animals Keep Theirs.” Needless to say, this will attract attention to the cause! Moakler, Finnessey, Castillo and Campanella have joined with PETA to urge the beauty pageant industry as a whole to adopt a universal no fur policy . The former Miss USAs want pageants around the U.S. to stop awarding fur coats as prizes, as some state pageants still offer these gifts as gifts to winners. “Kind people today are taking a stand against cruelty to animals,” Moakler said. “So a fur coat is no prize for a compassionate, socially-aware woman.” “As long as I’m the director of Miss Nevada, we will never award fur coats as prizes, and I urge my fellow pageant directors to make the same pledge.” Castillo adds that she feels “blessed” to team up with her pageant sisters “to take a stand united and to tell the pageant industry not to support the fur industry.” “I’ve been an animal lover all my life, and the more I learned of the torture that animals go through in the name of fashion, I just think it’s so unnecessary.” Miss USA 2013 will be crowned this weekend in Las Vegas, but these four have already won a second tiara in our book after posing for this ad.

Read more from the original source:
Miss USA Winners: Nude For PETA!

1984 Book Sales: On the Rise!

Not everyone is disturbed about this whole the-NSA-is-spying-on-everything-we-do-and-say thing. Denny’s, for example, took advantage of the Edward Snowden -created scandal by posting a funny Tweet on Tuesday. And the late George Orwell is smiling down on us about now and laughing over predictions made in his 1948 classic, “1984.” The dystopic novel is based around the concept of “Big Brother” watching us – and its sales have risen dramatically over the past few days. According to Amazon, sales of the Centennial Edition increased by more than 4,000 percent as of June 10 and it’s currently #99 on the Amazon Top 100. So perhaps this was the government’s secret plan all along: prompt Americans to read more iconic literature! Well played, NSA.

Original post:
1984 Book Sales: On the Rise!