Tag Archives: telomerase

Eternal Youth Potion Discovered

Harvard University researcher Ronald A. DePinho has discovered a way to reverse age degeneration for the first time. His experiments on mice have demonstrated that you can return individuals to a younger state, with new growth on brain and improved fertility. While scientists knew about the role of telomerase—an enzyme that adds DNA sequence repeats at the end of chromosomes—in body decadence and experiments were made with extremely simple organisms, this is the first time that this breakthrough has been achieved in complex mammals. While it's not human testing, this discovery could be an amazing weapon to fight Alzheimer and other degenerative diseases. According to DePinho: We wanted to know: If you could flip the telomerase switch on and restore telomeres in animals with entrenched age-related disease, what would happen? Would it slow down aging, stabilize it, or even reverse it? It was akin to a Ponce de Le