Tag Archives: tequila-boobs

Tila Tequila Posts Photos of Boobs, Daughter

No one is really sure what Tila Tequila does or why she’s still famous, but one thing is for sure: she has one hell of an interesting Instagram page. What you see above are three photos that Tila posted in quick succession last night. The first is a photo of her daughter, Isabella. The second two kinda speak for themselves. “My precious little tomboy is an advanced intellectual like her Mother,” Tila captioned the photo of her kid. “She will too, become empress of earth!” Moments later, without irony, Tila posted the middle photo with a caption reading, “I told ya my ass keeps getting bigger! I need to chill out on the cheez-its.” Take note: Empresses of the Earth love Cheez-Its. Anyway, this is all very tame by the standards of Ms. Tequila’s social media accounts. If you haven’t been keeping up,  Tila thinks the Earth is flat , Hitler had some good ideas, and we would all respect her more if we could only see her giant, invisible penis.  We wish we were making that up, but really it’s just the tip of the crazy-pants iceberg .  At least Tila didn’t dress her baby like Hitler this time. We guess that’s progress.

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Tila Tequila Posts Photos of Boobs, Daughter